r-devel / r-project-sprint-2023

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Contribute a welcome patch to base/utils #34

Closed hturner closed 10 months ago

hturner commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/r-devel/r-project-sprint-2023/discussions/23

Originally posted by **hturner** August 17, 2023 I have been reviewing reports on Bugzilla and have found several where a member of R Core has indicated a patch would be welcome, either by their comments or by adding the HELPWANTED keyword. These bugs are good candidates for contributors to take on at the sprint, though they generally require advanced knowledge of R and/or C. In some cases, the work may extend beyond the sprint, but the sprint can provide an opportunity to get advice from R Core/other experienced contributors. ... EDIT: table extracted below for updating ... Additions or corrections to this list are welcome - note I have not checked if the bugs are current in R-devel. R Core members commenting on original reports: @mmaechler, @ltierney, @bastistician, @s-u.
Bug ID Level Topic/Domain Summary Language/other Assigned
18255 Intermediate packages requireNamespace doesn't respect min version when namespace already loaded R
18380 Intermediate packages passing arguments from check_packages_in_dir() to mclapply() R
17871 Intermediate utils utils::tar can produce invalid tarballs w/ long usernames/groupnames R Ivan Krylov
14354 Advanced packages mark non-standard evaluation in local scope to be skipped by codetools R Lionel Henry, Naras
16094 Advanced packages respect package version restrictions when using :: R
16311 Advanced base set environment variables from env argument C, Windows Ivan Krylov
16752 Advanced base printing complex numbers in R C Jane He, Carol Willing
16856 Advanced base addition of millisecond adds a second C
16034 Advanced base iterative unserialization for pairlists C
17377 Advanced utils inconsistent result of getSrcLocation for an S4 method that uses ... R
hturner commented 1 year ago

Assigned @SiyaoIsHiding and @willingc to an issue already as they are working remotely and will start early. @mmaechler has agreed to collaborate.

SiyaoIsHiding commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I believe I can try to work on 16856 (addition of millisecond adds a second) too.

lionel- commented 1 year ago

I'd be interested to work on 14354 or 16034.

aitap commented 1 year ago

I think I can tackle 17871, and I can also try 16311.

I was also interested in 14354 and 16034, but there's already enough work to keep anyone occupied.

bnaras commented 1 year ago

I realized that the discussions regarding 14354 are in the actual Bugzilla link where detailed comments have been added. So noting that fact here for completeness.

aitap commented 10 months ago
Bug ID Summary Outcome
18255 requireNamespace doesn't respect min version when namespace already loaded
~18380~ passing arguments from check_packages_in_dir() to mclapply() CLOSED FIXED in r85062
~17871~ utils::tar can produce invalid tarballs w/ long usernames/groupnames CLOSED FIXED in r85350
14354 mark non-standard evaluation in local scope to be skipped by codetools As of 29th of September, a declare() SPECIALSXP is available, and so are patches to the compiler package (not yet merged) implementing some of the needed declarations. This is by necessity a longer-term project than most.
16094 respect package version restrictions when using ::
16311 set environment variables from env argument initial patch available, needs discussion; may need a new, better API
~16752~ printing complex numbers in R CLOSED FIXED by radically simplifying complex-printing code. Partially-NA complex numbers are printed as NA; otherwise, the numbers are printed separately.
~16856~ addition of millisecond adds a second CLOSED FIXED in r85352
~16034~ iterative unserialization for pairlists CLOSED FIXED in r85413
17377 inconsistent result of getSrcLocation for an S4 method that uses ...
hturner commented 10 months ago

Thanks @aitap for summarising the outcomes for this issue.