r-devel / rcwg

R Contribution Working Group: fostering a larger, more diverse community of contributors to R core development
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Outreach of the R Development Guide #11

Closed SaranjeetKaur closed 1 year ago

SaranjeetKaur commented 2 years ago

Coming up and executing sustainable ideas that would help with the outreach of the R Developer's Guide.

hturner commented 2 years ago

@SaranjeetKaur and I have discussed this a bit further offline, coming up with the following ideas:

Monthly Challenge

Direct people to read particular parts of the guide and put together a challenge for them to test out what they have learned, using real case studies where possible. Examples:

This would be announced on R Weekly, advertised on Twitter and Slack (see #14).

We could have a Slack channel for discussion about the monthly challenge and get people to report any issues they faced with the guide or official documentation.

This is an iteration on the book club idea, with the advantage that people can join in according to interest/background and there is a goal to aim for to give a sense of achievement.


We could have online meetups with R-Ladies Remote and the MiR community to tie in with the monthly challenges. These would actively encourage people from under-represented groups to engage. They could be run at distinct times to cover different time zones. RUGs could be encouraged to run their own tie-in events, if interested.


The R Foundation have already agreed to fund a https://plausible.io/ subscription so that we can monitor the effect of the above or any other outreach we do to engage people with the guide.

hturner commented 2 years ago

These are now named Collaboration Campfires and scheduled as here: https://twitter.com/R_Contributors/status/1484524996701855747

hturner commented 2 years ago

Things to do in preparation for Collaboration Campfires before first event on Feb 22

hturner commented 2 years ago

February 14 is "I love free software day" (https://fsfe.org/activities/ilovefs/index.en.html) - we should co-ordinate a tweet or two with that.

hturner commented 2 years ago

Things to do in preparation for Collaboration Campfires on Mar 22

hturner commented 2 years ago

Things to do in preparation for Collaboration Campfires on Apr 26 (translations session 1)

hturner commented 2 years ago

Things to do in preparation for Collaboration Campfires on May 24 (translations session 2)

hturner commented 1 year ago

Closing this now the planned series of Collaboration Campfires has completed. We can start a new issue for future Collaboration Campfires or other outreach.