Closed hturner closed 2 years ago
Could "Google Summer of Code" also be within the internship category, in addition to Outreachy?
@jtelleriar can you open this as a separate issue? I think there are different considerations for the GSoC program, which we could discuss separately.
@gmbecker is willing to mentor, so we have enough to come back to this in the new year
Our community application is submitted and pending approval:
We have till March 23 for mentors to propose projects.
Current plans:
We also have some tentative ideas around translations (standardize and improve the translatability of the English messages, or translating messages in a language that is not well covered, or creating a dashboard to summarise translation status). However this area is not such a good match to available mentors - if anyone would like to volunteer, do let me know!
Our application was not approved, so some project ideas were redirected to Google Summer of Code:
Various people have expressed an interest in doing an Outreachy internship with the R project (by contacting the R Foundation board, or asking on R-Ladies Slack groups). A blocker has been the high Mentor requirements (5-10 hrs/week during 6 week application period, 5 hrs/week during 3 month internship) and the need to find at least 2 mentors that can commit to this (see Coordinator duties).
However, I think we can make this work by co-mentoring projects (see FAQ), with the primary mentor being an expert (R Core member/experienced contributor) that volunteers < 1 hour/week and the secondary mentor being someone that can commit to daily supervision. This worked quite well for @SaranjeetKaur's documentation project, with myself and @lawremi meeting with Saranjeet for 30 min each week and myself providing ad-hoc support/documentation review in between (not daily supervision, but similar principle).
Outreachy requires the community (R project in our case) to find $6500 to fund one intern, then we can apply to the general Outreachy fund for another intern. I can commit to regular supervision for one intern under my fellowship and hopefully could pair up with an R Core member/experienced contributor relevant to project. If we had a second intern funded by Outreachy, we could potential pay someone to regularly supervise that project (again pairing with a member of R Core/experienced contributor if additional expertise required). A suitable stipend might be $3000-$6000 for such a supervisor, bring the cost to $9500 - $12500 for two interns, which seems reasonable.
It would also be helpful to have volunteers to help during the application phase.
Potential projects, building on our work so far:
Translating messages in a language that is currently not well covered
Dates: we have just missed out on the current round, so we're now looking at applying in January 2022 for internships running May-August 2022 (or waiting till the round after if that works better for potential mentors).