r-devel / rcwg

R Contribution Working Group: fostering a larger, more diverse community of contributors to R core development
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update README #21

Closed hturner closed 2 years ago

hturner commented 2 years ago

@PythonCoderUnicorn I have updated the English - can you update the Spanish accordingly?

PythonCoderUnicorn commented 2 years ago

Following the Ideas Incubator in August-September 2021 we have a fresh batch of issues to work on over the next year or so. See the R Contribution Working Group project board for an overview ("To Do", "In Progress" and "Done").

Después de la [Incubadora de ideas] (ideas_incubator.md) en agosto-septiembre de 2021, tenemos un nuevo lote de [problemas] (https://github.com/forwards/rcontribution/issues) en los que trabajar durante el próximo año. Consulte el [tablero del proyecto del Grupo de trabajo de contribución R] (https://github.com/forwards/rcontribution/projects/1#card-69991106) para obtener una descripción general ("Tareas pendientes", "En progreso" y "Listo").

We meet (on Zoom) every 1-2 months, alternating between the fourth Friday of the month, 15:00 UTC and the fourth Tuesday of the month, 21:00 UTC (-1hr during Daylight Savings Time).

Nos reunimos (en Zoom) cada 1-2 meses, alternando entre el cuarto viernes del mes, 15:00 UTC y el cuarto martes del mes, 21:00 UTC (-1 hora durante el horario de verano).

Next planned meeting(s):

Próximas reuniones planificadas:

Meeting details will be posted on the R-Devel Slack Group, or you can email rowforwards@gmail.com to be added to/removed from the mailing list to receive meeting invitations.

Los detalles de la reunión se publicarán en el [R-Devel Slack Group] (https://forwards.github.io/rcontribution/slack), o puede enviar un correo electrónico a rowforwards@gmail.com para que lo agreguen / eliminen de la lista de correo a recibir invitaciones a reuniones.

hturner commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I've added that in.