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Moving translations wiki #46

Closed hturner closed 7 months ago

hturner commented 10 months ago

From R Contributors Slack:

Move translations wiki to separate site, e.g. bookdown/Quarto/MkDocs, to give more control over layout and make it easier for people to contribute.

This could take over the translations repo and we could move the dashboard to a translations-dashboard repo so they get deployed at https://contributor.r-project.org/translations and https://contributor.r-project.org/translations-dashboard respectively.

jmaspons commented 10 months ago

I can do it. Will go for quarto and gh actions. Could somebody move and create the repos?

hturner commented 10 months ago

I have renamed the old translations repo to translations-dashboard and created a new translations repo.

So you should be ready to deploy something to https://contributor.r-project.org/translations. Note that this isn't linked anywhere from the main site yet so is somewhat private until we do that. It would be good to add a link to the dashboard so people can still find that.

daroczig commented 10 months ago

If we create a new repo instead of repurposing the old one, should we migrate the issues as well? E.g. all the weblate related tickets and the weblate project dashboard.

mcnanton commented 10 months ago

@jmaspons I would like to collaborate on this with you if needed. I'll be away for a week but can help with this from sept 25 foward.

daroczig commented 10 months ago

Once the new GH page is ready, we should probably also set up a blank wiki in the new repo pointing to it, so that the (currently dead) URLs pointing to the original wiki (e.g. https://github.com/r-devel/translations/wiki/Conventions-for-translations) can point the visitor to the right place.

hturner commented 10 months ago

@daroczig yes, the current issues are a mix of ones for the dashboard and weblate. I think it would make sense to transfer the weblate ones to the new repo - I'm not sure how easy it is to move a project board, but the issues can be transferred easily enough and if necessary added to a new project board.

daroczig commented 10 months ago

I've migrated over all weblate-related tickets and also reassociated the weblate project to the new repo :+1:

jmaspons commented 10 months ago

The wiki is now quarto website! Take a look at https://github.com/r-devel/translations (all wiki history preserved)

I added a github workflow to render and publish to gh-pages, but we have a custom domain and I think it should be configured differently. Can somebody configure the deployment of the web?


jmaspons commented 9 months ago

Web deployed to https://contributor.r-project.org/translations/

hturner commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure a logo is necessary - it looks fine as is to me.

I haven't written the content, but I would suggest CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) - we used this for the R Dev Guide and I think it is commonly adopted for community websites (e.g. Forwards uses it too: https://forwards.github.io/).

jmaspons commented 9 months ago

Most of the contributors agreed to license the web to CC BY 4.0 https://r-contributors.slack.com/archives/C0210D7EN1X/p1695743347136759

Waiting for confirmation from @alswajiab , @bjungbogati , @imanalhasani , @MichaelChirico & @shun2wang ,

jmaspons commented 9 months ago

I would say this task is done. I created a home page in the wiki pointing to the web, but no redirects for each page. Is this enough?

willingc commented 9 months ago

Devguide is updated now.

hturner commented 9 months ago

I have also update the navigation on the main contributor page, so people can find the new translation pages from there!

I think we have done enough now to close this issue - thanks everyone!

jmaspons commented 9 months ago

Missing https://github.com/r-devel/translations-dashboard/pull/34