r-devel / translations-dashboard

Dashboard to monitor status of translations in R
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analyze and visualize translations metadata #11

Open benubah opened 2 years ago

benubah commented 2 years ago

analyze and visualize translations metadata: https://github.com/r-devel/translations/blob/main/metadata.csv

hturner commented 7 months ago

The metadata CSV, described in this README is currently created but not analysed.

This data was previously used to explore the lag in translation (blog post, source code), i.e. the difference between the last update to the source strings and the last update of each translation, for each component and each language. Would this be useful to add to the dashboard, or would it now appear that all languages have been "updated" due to the batch update from Weblate?

Is there another/better way to communicate how current the translations are for each language? It can be helpful to see whether the translations are being actively maintained for each language.