r-devel / translations

subsite for translations
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Translation review process #14

Closed daroczig closed 1 year ago

daroczig commented 1 year ago

As per @hturner at https://r-contributors.slack.com/archives/C0210D7EN1X/p1684139203621999:

From the discussion at the last RCWG meeting I think our best option is the dedicated reviewers workflow: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/workflows.html#dedicated-reviewers. Then we can do the following:

  • Make all existing translators reviewers
  • Encourage reviewers to review translations by other people with custom search: state:>=translated AND NOT changed_by:OwnUserName
  • If no one else reviews their translations after at least 1 month, reviewers can self-review - looking a second time should help avoid mistakes
  • New users are initially added as translators only and can be asked to be made reviewers

In this scenario, translations would only be added to the R sources when they have been approved, so it does require more work, but should ensure better quality translations. Alternatively, we could use the following workflow, which is closer to what we do currently:

  • Encourage translators to leave "need editing" checked if they want their translation to be reviewed
  • Encourage translators to review translations by other people with custom search: state:needs-editing AND NOT changed_by:OwnUserName
  • If no one else reviews their translations after at least 1 month, reviewers can self-review - looking a second time should help avoid mistakes

With this second workflow, experienced translators can be trusted to directly translate with no review. However, we rely on translators to self-moderate and we're more vulnerable to a bad actor submitting nonsense/spam translations. What do people think?

mcnanton commented 1 year ago

A quick summary of what was done/discussed in the R sprint

daroczig commented 1 year ago

Initial team leaders/reviewers groups have been set up:


List of initial members:


Folks have access to remove members from their group and to add new reviewers and team leaders (with management rights of the group members).