r-earthengine / ee_extra

A ninja python package that unifies the Google Earth Engine ecosystem.
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REPORT: bunch of issues with translate #6

Closed csaybar closed 3 years ago

csaybar commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, here I attach a lot of issues that I found using translate, I will try to fix all of them :nerd_face:. I add all the next examples to unittest :).

from ee_extra import translate
from pprint import pprint


text01 = """
var uri = 'gs://gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/01/001/002/' +
    'LC08_L1GT_001002_20160817_20170322_01_T2/' +
var cloudImage = ee.Image.loadGeoTIFF(uri);

text02 = """
var cover = ee.Image('MODIS/051/MCD12Q1/2012_01_01').select('Land_Cover_Type_1');

// Define an SLD style of discrete intervals to apply to the image.
var sld_intervals =
'<RasterSymbolizer>' +
  '<ColorMap type="intervals" extended="false">' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#aec3d4" quantity="0" label="Water"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#152106" quantity="1" label="Evergreen Needleleaf Forest"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#225129" quantity="2" label="Evergreen Broadleaf Forest"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#369b47" quantity="3" label="Deciduous Needleleaf Forest"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#30eb5b" quantity="4" label="Deciduous Broadleaf Forest"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#387242" quantity="5" label="Mixed Deciduous Forest"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#6a2325" quantity="6" label="Closed Shrubland"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#c3aa69" quantity="7" label="Open Shrubland"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#b76031" quantity="8" label="Woody Savanna"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#d9903d" quantity="9" label="Savanna"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#91af40" quantity="10" label="Grassland"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#111149" quantity="11" label="Permanent Wetland"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#cdb33b" quantity="12" label="Cropland"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#cc0013" quantity="13" label="Urban"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#33280d" quantity="14" label="Crop, Natural Veg. Mosaic"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#d7cdcc" quantity="15" label="Permanent Snow, Ice"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#f7e084" quantity="16" label="Barren, Desert"/>' +
    '<ColorMapEntry color="#6f6f6f" quantity="17" label="Tundra"/>' +
  '</ColorMap>' +

text03 = """
// Fetch a digital elevation model.
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');

// Specify region by a linear ring and set display CRS as Web Mercator.
var thumbnail3 = image.getThumbURL({
  'min': 0,
  'max': 3000,
  'palette': ['00A600','63C600','E6E600','E9BD3A','ECB176','EFC2B3','F2F2F2'],
  'region': ee.Geometry.LinearRing([[-84.6, 15.7], [-84.6, -55.9], [-32.9, -55.9]]),
  'dimensions': 500,
  'crs': 'EPSG:3857'
print('Linear ring region and specified crs', thumbnail3);

text04 = """
// Load a Landsat 8 image, select the NIR band, threshold, display.
var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA/LC08_044034_20140318')

// Define a kernel.
var kernel = ee.Kernel.circle({radius: 1});

// Perform an erosion followed by a dilation, display.
var opened = image
             .focal_min({kernel: kernel, iterations: 2})
             .focal_max({kernel: kernel, iterations: 2});

text05 = """
// Create a list of weights for a 9x9 kernel.
var row = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
// The center of the kernel is zero.
var centerRow = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1];
// Assemble a list of lists: the 9x9 kernel weights as a 2-D matrix.
var rows = [row, row, row, row, centerRow, row, row, row, row];
// Create the kernel from the weights.
// Non-zero weights represent the spatial neighborhood.
var kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(9, 9, rows, -4, -4, false);

// Convert the neighborhood into multiple bands.
var neighs = nir.neighborhoodToBands(kernel);

// Compute local Geary's C, a measure of spatial association.
var gearys = nir.subtract(neighs).pow(2).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum())
             .divide(Math.pow(9, 2));

text06 = """
// A rectangle representing Bangui, Central African Republic.
var geometry = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([18.5229, 4.3491, 18.5833, 4.4066]);

// Create a source image where the geometry is 1, everything else is 0.
var sources = ee.Image().toByte().paint(geometry, 1);

// Mask the sources image with itself.
sources = sources.selfMask();

// The cost data is generated from classes in ESA/GLOBCOVER.
var cover = ee.Image('ESA/GLOBCOVER_L4_200901_200912_V2_3').select(0);

// Classes 60, 80, 110, 140 have cost 1.
// Classes 40, 90, 120, 130, 170 have cost 2.
// Classes 50, 70, 150, 160 have cost 3.
var beforeRemap = [60, 80, 110, 140,
                   40, 90, 120, 130, 170,
                   50, 70, 150, 160];
var afterRemap = [1, 1, 1, 1,
                  2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
                  3, 3, 3, 3];
var cost = cover.remap(beforeRemap, afterRemap, 0);

// Compute the cumulative cost to traverse the land cover.
var cumulativeCost = cost.cumulativeCost({
  source: sources,
  maxDistance: 80 * 1000  // 80 kilometers

csaybar commented 3 years ago

@davemlz I gonna deprecated multiline_method_chain in the next release. I got a lot of errors on Js multiple lines, like:

// Perform an erosion followed by a dilation, display.
var opened = image
                    .focal_min({kernel: kernel, iterations: 2})
                    .focal_max({kernel: kernel, iterations: 2});

I think a better workaround would be to merge on a single line (See starts_with_plus). Let me know what you think :nerd_face: