r-geoflow / geoflow

Tools to Orchestrate Geospatial (Meta)Data Management Workflows and Manage FAIR Services
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uploading thumbnail ? #211

Closed juliepierson closed 1 year ago

juliepierson commented 3 years ago

Hi, While creating a metadata, is it possible to upload a thumbnail from a local file, or the thumbnail must be already online ? Sorry if I missed it in the documentation, thanks !

eblondel commented 3 years ago

Hi @juliepierson No, not (yet) possible. It should an already online thumbnail, for the time being... Uploading a thumbnail is something on the wishlist still. This should be supported through the Geonetwork API (not sure yet if we can do it, we have to check), and next, if supported in the Geonetwork API, this should be added to geonapi to be configured as feature in the Geonetwork geoflow action.

juliepierson commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer @eblondel . Yes, it is possible with the geonetwork API, thatt's how I'm doing it now :) (https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/letg/metadator/-/blob/master/src/uploadThumbnails.R) I just wanted to know if I could do it with geoflow and simplify my code. Thanks, I'll get rid of my function for publishing the thumbnails once uploaded for now, and I'll wait for the update in geonapi ;)

eblondel commented 3 years ago

Good news! In geonapi there is still lot to do, because it is for the timebeing limited to the old legacy API. The latter was definitely removed in GN 4, so geonapi needs to be aligned with the open API that includes the method for thumbnails. Since the community tends to upgrade quickly to GN 4, I will have a look if I can upgrade geonapi to manage the new API; afterwhat we could try it through geoflow.

juliepierson commented 3 years ago

Ok, I understand. Thanks for all your work !

eblondel commented 3 years ago

I've started working on the geonapi refactoring to support also the new Open API, I'm currently focusing on supporting the main CRUD methods, afterwhat we can other methods such as thumbnail upload, so it should come quite soon i'd say.

juliepierson commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks !

eblondel commented 2 years ago
