r-geoflow / geoflow

Tools to Orchestrate Geospatial (Meta)Data Management Workflows and Manage FAIR Services
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WFS relation is considered as WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link with GN #219

Closed juliettefabre closed 2 years ago

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago


I manage to specify WFS relations in my entities (column Relation, key wfs), but it's considered as WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link and not as WFS link (GeoNetwork

My Relation value: _wfs:observilstation[Stations WFS]@https://sig.oreme.org:8443/geoserver/sf/wfs


eblondel commented 2 years ago

Ok so far this is voluntary to have this coded as link. In GN we have to check backward compatibility as having links as WFS caused issues in some GNs. In addition there is no clear protocol handling in Geonetwork as we can have for WMS: https://github.com/eblondel/geoflow/blob/master/R/geoflow_action_geometa_create_iso_19115.R#L710 In general, being a ISO 19115 that is not ncessarily targeting a GN, there is need to study what's the best practice for that, eg. what they recommend in OGC? INSPIRE?

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

In my GN, well interpreted WFS online ressources are defined with the OGC:WFS protocol.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

I know, but that's too vague unfortunately, since there is no information about the WFS version and operation.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

@juliettefabre new code has been pushed through #260 which aims to better handle the OGC relations, with distinction made between OGC base url (OGC:WFS, OGC:WMS, OGC:WCS) and specific download relations, based on OGC protocols, that can be enabled. All relations enrichments are active by default but can be deactivated as they are set as option of the geosapi action. If you have questions, feel free. If you can test and let me know if it works for you.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

@juliettefabre do you have comments before I close this ticket?

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

Hello, I didn't take the time yet to test it, I try to do it asap and let you know.

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

Mhh, actually I was talking about geonapi, not geosapi!

eblondel commented 2 years ago

yes i know, you refer to the metadata we push, but OGC relations we enable dynamically (unless you do it manually) are set when we have the geosapi action run. If you want to use manual set-up of OGC relations for download purpose, you can use now the key "download". All base OGC keys will give basic protocol info, eg; for wfs: OGC:WFS, for wms: OGC:WMS, etc as Geonetwork expects

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

I don't get it. What should I do to test it?

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

I use geoflow to read metadata and send them to GN. I updated geoflow, but WFS relation is still interpreted as HTTP link.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

Well, if you reinstall geoflow, try to assign a "wfs" relation in your metadata table, in the ISO 19115 it should be set as OGC:WFS link. For download link which is a generic type you will need to set either a "download" key as relation.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

See how relation key values are mapped to online resource protocols in ISO 19115 at: https://github.com/eblondel/geoflow/blob/master/inst/actions/geometa_create_iso_19115.R#L747

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

Yet, it works! I guess I didn't load the correct geoflow .. Sorry.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

You probably use Rstudio, classic cache issue when reinstalling packages.... i've the habit :-)

juliettefabre commented 2 years ago

Me too .. ^^