r-geoflow / geoflow

Tools to Orchestrate Geospatial (Meta)Data Management Workflows and Manage FAIR Services
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Links to parent resource not shown in GN #223

Closed mathieu-massaviol closed 2 years ago

mathieu-massaviol commented 2 years ago

The link to a parent dataset is not shown in the Geonetwork.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

Can you share the geonetwork metadata link? (is it public?)

mathieu-massaviol commented 2 years ago

@EmilieLerigoleur Do you have the geonetwork metadata link to this error ? I dont have it.

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

Here an example: http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/3719ff01-0c62-4596-a7d1-c8487c798444

eblondel commented 2 years ago

Hum, it shows up, under "Associated Resources" (Ressources associées), I get the parent metadata listed.

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

Yes but it is not clear that this is the parent metadata file (whereas in Geonetwork it is clearly identified)

eblondel commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure to understand the requirement. In Geonetwork, It says "Fiche parent" at top right of the "associated resource" box. In any case, for the UI, this is more an issue of Geonetwork UI. For the ISO 19115/19139, it is coded as parentIdentifier, that's the way the ISO standards defines it. Do you mean that what is not clear is the "parent" key for your entity table? too implicit?

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

Here is the result after executing geoflow for a metadata file which contains a parent metadata URL. In dataverse the "Related Material" contains : RZA metacatalog metadata: http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/3719ff01-0c62-4596-a7d1-c8487c798444; ea665b7d-80b5-4da8-a18a-f02c524c0dee: http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/ea665b7d-80b5-4da8-a18a-f02c524c0dee That is incomprehensible! Problems are: 1) no line breaks between URLs 2) the second URL is the parent metadata file but there is no information mentioning it.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

Ah ok, so we talk about dataverse, :-) not GN! Here's the misunderstanding Dataverse is quite poor in term of rendering, and more, its limited support to Dublin Core XML / SWORD API made me take some choice in order to display the resource set as relation (otherwise it would have been totally useless). For that geoflow adds as many relations as we have in the column "Relation", and does a concatenation with the name of the resource followed by its URL https://github.com/eblondel/geoflow/blob/master/R/geoflow_action_atom4R_dataverse_deposit_record.R#L118 I agree that is it not the best way to do it, but given the Dataverse limitations, that was a starting point. What I suggest:

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

Thank you! Is there any possibility to add the fixed text "Parent metadata file URI" before the URI of the parent metadata file in the Dataverse "Related Material" field? if not ok to remove the parent relation from the dataverse action.

eblondel commented 2 years ago

can you share here the content of your "Relation" column?

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

http:RZA metacatalog metadata@http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/3719ff01-0c62-4596-a7d1-c8487c798444_ parent:ea665b7d-80b5-4da8-a18a-f02c524c0dee@http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/ea665b7d-80b5-4da8-a18a-f02c524c0dee

eblondel commented 2 years ago

Have you tried this?

http:RZA metacatalog metadata@http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/3719ff01-0c62-4596-a7d1-c8487c798444_ parent:Parent metadata file URI@http://meta.data-za.org/geonetwork/srv/fre/catalog.search#/metadata/ea665b7d-80b5-4da8-a18a-f02c524c0dee

Based on the following syntax name[description]@uri, the output in dataverse will be:

The code for the dataverse action can be improved but so far this is what it does.

Unfortunately Dataverse takes these relations and paste them all together. We can't do anything for that. We could improve the way name/description/uri and pasted together, but still the result will be a text in Dataverse;

EmilieLerigoleur commented 2 years ago

You are right, we should use and try this correct syntax in Relation column in the entities geoflow table. If the test succeeds, this could be explained in the documentation by illustrating it with an example. I cannot test it now, sorry!