r-geoflow / geoflow

Tools to Orchestrate Geospatial (Meta)Data Management Workflows and Manage FAIR Services
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[zen4r_deposit_record] Setting license in rights return error #351

Closed kikislater closed 10 months ago

kikislater commented 10 months ago

From Rights column in entities I have this :

useLimitation:Utilisation libre sous réserve de mentionner la source (a minima le nom du producteur) et la date de sa dernière mise à jour accessConstraint:otherRestrictions license:GPL-3.0_ useConstraint:intellectualPropertyRights

license code is set from here : https://sandbox.zenodo.org/api/licenses/?q=&size=1000 where "id":"GPL-3.0" exists

Running workflow return me this error =>

Error in if (license %in% accepted_licenses) { : 
  l'argument est de longueur nulle
Erreur dans withVisible(...elt(i)) : 
  Workflow failed during execution, check logs

I added some log like config$logger.info(sprintf("licenses: '%s'", licenses)) with this value in logs:

[geoflow][zenodo][INFO] licenses: '<environment>'  and licenses[[1]]$value is NULL
eblondel commented 10 months ago

Thanks for reporting. Relates to #298 and consolidation of model for for geoflow rights, in particular https://github.com/r-geoflow/geoflow/commit/63b2ddf95a93dab3e47961c351070daa5030a4e0 that was propagated to ISO 19115 (essentially tested in #298) but not in other metadata actions.

eblondel commented 10 months ago

@kikislater please reclose the issue if it works ok now

kikislater commented 10 months ago

Thanks, it works now ! Tested with GPL-3.0 and GPL-2.0 @juldebar