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Concrete demo of what I'm seeing #671

Open jennybc opened 4 months ago

jennybc commented 4 months ago

As per slack discussion

This test passes when executed via test_active_file() or test() in the RStudio console, but fails in the RStudio build pane or in a terminal inside RStudio. It passes via any method when run via R in a (non-RStudio) terminal.

Update: the CI test failures seem to just be snapshot related and are not what I'm seeing, which I'll copy/paste below.

Error (test-code.R:19:3): Jenny's problem [ansi]
Error: RStudio not running
  1. └─testthat::expect_snapshot(cli_code_wrapper("if (1) {true_val} else {false_val}")) at test-code.R:19:3
  2.   └─testthat:::expect_snapshot_helper(...)
  3.     └─testthat:::snapshot_accept_hint(variant, snapshotter$file)
  4.       ├─base::paste0(...)
  5.       └─cli::format_inline("* Run {.run testthat::snapshot_accept('{name}')} to accept the change.")
  6.         └─cli::cli_fmt(...) at cli/R/cli.R:120:3
  7.           └─cli:::cli__fmt(rec, collapse, strip_newline) at cli/R/cli.R:91:3
  8.             ├─base::do.call(app[[msg$type]], msg$args) at cli/R/cli.R:61:5
  9.             └─cli (local) `<fn>`(text = `<cl_gl_dl>`)
 10.               └─cli:::clii_inline_text(app, text) at cli/R/cliapp.R:6:3
 11.                 └─app$xtext(text, wrap = FALSE) at cli/R/cliapp.R:171:3
 12.                   └─cli:::clii__xtext(...) at cli/R/cliapp.R:6:3
 13.                     └─style$fmt(text) at cli/R/internals.R:18:3
 14.                       └─cli::code_highlight(lines) at cli/R/themes.R:373:5
 15.                         ├─code_theme %||% code_theme_default() at cli/R/prettycode.R:41:3
 16.                         └─cli:::code_theme_default() at cli/R/prettycode.R:41:3
 17.                           └─cli:::code_theme_default_rstudio() at cli/R/prettycode.R:243:5
 18.                             └─cli:::get_rstudio_theme() at cli/R/prettycode.R:272:3
 19.                               ├─base::suppressWarnings(rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()) at cli/R/aaa-utils.R:166:3
 20.                               │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 21.                               └─rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()
 22.                                 └─rstudioapi::callFun("getThemeInfo")
 23.                                   └─rstudioapi::verifyAvailable()
gaborcsardi commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce this, the test passes in the build pane, and also in an RStudio terminal. :(

Can you check your config for potentially related env vars and options?

jennybc commented 4 months ago

I've removed .Renviron and .Rprofile and see the same result as before (failure in the RStudio build pane). FWIW this is with RStudio Version 2023.12.1+402 (2023.12.1+402).

gaborcsardi commented 4 months ago

Yeah, same here. Same RStudio, R 4.3.2, no profile, no env vars, no test failure.

The stack trace, otoh, looks pretty good, I might be able to work something out there.

gaborcsardi commented 4 months ago

What's your theme?

> rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()
[1] "Chrome"

[1] "Modern"


[1] "rgb(0, 0, 0)"

[1] "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
jennybc commented 4 months ago

Looks same as you:

#> $editor
#> [1] "Chrome"
#> $global
#> [1] "Modern"
#> $dark
#> [1] FALSE
#> $foreground
#> [1] "rgb(0, 0, 0)"
#> $background
#> [1] "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
gaborcsardi commented 4 months ago

What's your testthat version?

jennybc commented 4 months ago

testthat 3.2.1

Freshly re-installed and re-checked, for good measure. Still seeing my same result.