r-lib / pak

A fresh approach to package installation
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Add doc in how to apply multiple selectors #649

Closed latot closed 1 week ago

latot commented 1 week ago

Hi!, here is described: https://pak.r-lib.org/reference/faq.html

We can use reinstall or source if want for example how to reinstall or install from source, so here the question, how to reinstall a package that was installed from source? ?reinstall?source does not works.

Don't know if is implemented, if it is, please update the docs to know how to do it.

Ideally also, in the pkg_install mention this options and create a reference to the FAQ.


gaborcsardi commented 1 week ago

Use & to concatenate parameters: ?reinstall&source. (AFAIR reinstall impies source, so it is not needed in this case.)

gaborcsardi commented 1 week ago

This is documented here: https://pak.r-lib.org/reference/pak_package_sources.html#parameters

latot commented 1 week ago

Can this doc be linked in the FAQ or pkg_install? even as a reference would be good.

gaborcsardi commented 1 week ago

It is linked from pkg_install().

latot commented 1 week ago

What is linked down is the pkg_sources, which does hard to guess it also has relation with the actual parameters, because the parameters are not only for sources, there is also reinstall.

I think put a direct reference for parameters, and a link to that webpage section of them could be very good, or say where is the parameter info.

Particularly pkg_install is a hard place for this info, because they does not talk about parameters, so we can't know they exists, we can found this info only in FAQ, the info about them is too dispersed.