r-lib / pak

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Failed to install vroom for centos-7 os #652

Closed Longfei2 closed 6 days ago

Longfei2 commented 1 week ago

Dear author, I encountered an error when installing vroom. image

I found this reason that `vroom_1.6.5.tar.gz-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-centos-7-4.2.1 doesn't be downloaded. image

Could you please help me see this issue?

gaborcsardi commented 1 week ago

A download error may happen if you have issues with your network, or the CRAN mirror may have issues.

If the issues persists, try using a different mirror.

Can you download and install other packages?

Longfei2 commented 1 week ago

Hello, Thank you for your information. But I can use install.packages to install vroom. This confuses me a lot

gaborcsardi commented 1 week ago

Can you download and install other packages?

What are your repos? I.e. the output of getOption("repos")?

Did you try a different mirror?

Are you behind a proxy?

Longfei2 commented 1 week ago

Hello, I have installed vroom via different mirrors. However, it is failure. I can use pak to install other packages, and also install vroom via install.packages successfully. image image

Actually, I can't understand this reason.

It's too weird!

Longfei2 commented 6 days ago

Hello, This issue is resolved after clearing all cached file. But I remove all files in .cache/R/pgkcache manually. I wonder if there are options or automatical methods for pak to help users clear these cached files? image image

gaborcsardi commented 6 days ago
Longfei2 commented 6 days ago

Thank you for your timely answer.