r-lib / pkgdepends

R Package Dependency Resolution
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Failing to move an installed package #234

Closed schloerke closed 3 years ago

schloerke commented 3 years ago

After #225 was fixed, I ran into a new bug of jsonlite not being able to be moved after installation.

Command found with error:

    "r-lib/fastmap", "r-lib/later",
    "r-lib/cachem", "rstudio/httpuv",
    "rstudio/promises", "rstudio/websocket",
    "rstudio/webdriver", "rstudio/rsconnect",
    "schloerke/shinyjster", "rstudio/crosstalk",
    "rstudio/leaflet.providers", "rstudio/leaflet@rc-v2.0.4",
    "rstudio/htmltools@rc-v0.5.1", "rstudio/thematic@rc-v0.1.1",
    "rstudio/sass@rc-v0.3.0", "rstudio/bslib@rc-v0.2.4",
    "rstudio/shiny@rc-v1.6.0", "rstudio/shinytest@rc-v1.4.1",
    "rstudio/pool", "rstudio/reactlog",
    "rstudio/shinymeta", "cran::datasets",
    "cran::DT", "cran::ggplot2",
    "cran::rmarkdown", "cran::evaluate",
    "cran::knitr", "cran::maps",
    "cran::curl", "cran::showtext",
    "cran::sysfonts", "cran::markdown",
    "cran::png", "cran::dbplyr",
    "cran::dplyr", "cran::ggvis",
    "cran::RSQLite", "cran::shinythemes",
    "cran::lattice", "cran::RColorBrewer",
    "cran::scales", "cran::memoise",
    "cran::tm", "cran::wordcloud",
    "cran::highcharter", "cran::tidyr",
    "cran::future", "cran::magrittr",
    "cran::jsonlite", "cran::shinyjs",
    "cran::htmlwidgets", "cran::plotly",
    "cran::networkD3", "cran::shinydashboard",
    "cran::reactR", "cran::pryr",
    "cran::Cairo", "cran::ragg",
    "cran::systemfonts", "cran::flexdashboard",
    "cran::arules", "cran::forecast",
    "cran::treemap", "cran::viridisLite",
    "cran::biclust", "cran::rlang",
    "cran::sf", "cran::yaml",
    "cran::brio", "cran::glue",
    "cran::rversions", "cran::remotes"
  upgrade = TRUE,
  ask = FALSE

OS: ubuntu bionic R : 4.0.3


ℹ Loading global cached package metadata
✔ Loading global cached package metadata ... done

→ Will install 112 packages.
→ Will update 25 packages.
→ Will download 137 packages with unknown size.
+ additivityTests             1.1-4       [bld][dl]
+ arules                      1.6-6       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ AsioHeaders                 1.16.1-1    [bld][dl]
+ backports                   1.2.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ biclust                     2.0.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ bit                         4.0.4       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ bit64                       4.0.5       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ blob                        1.2.1       [bld][dl]
+ brio              1.1.0   → 1.1.0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ broom                       0.7.3       [bld][dl]
+ bslib                       0.2.4       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: e4de269)
+ cachem              [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 59f9e71)
+ Cairo                       1.5-12.2    [bld][cmp][dl]
+ classInt                    0.4-3       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ colorspace                  2.0-0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ cpp11                       0.2.4       [bld][dl]
+ crosstalk           [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: efa729c)
+ curl              4.3     → 4.3         [bld][cmp][dl]
+ data.table                  1.13.6      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ DBI                         1.1.0       [bld][dl]
+ dbplyr                      2.0.0       [bld][dl]
+ dplyr                       1.0.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ DT                          0.17        [bld][dl]
+ e1071                       1.7-4       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ evaluate          0.14    → 0.14        [bld][dl]
+ farver                      2.0.3       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ fastmap           1.0.1   →  [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: e23f9c2)
+ flexclust                   1.4-0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ flexdashboard     0.5.2   → 0.5.2       [bld][dl]
+ forecast                    8.13        [bld][cmp][dl]
+ fracdiff                    1.5-1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ fs                          1.5.0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ future                      1.21.0      [bld][dl]
+ generics                    0.1.0       [bld][dl]
+ ggplot2                     3.3.3       [bld][dl]
+ ggvis                       0.4.7       [bld][dl]
+ globals                     0.14.0      [bld][dl]
+ glue              1.4.2   → 1.4.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ gridBase                    0.4-7       [bld][dl]
+ gridExtra                   2.3         [bld][dl]
+ gtable                      0.3.0       [bld][dl]
+ hexbin                      1.28.1      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ highcharter                 0.8.2       [bld][dl]
+ htmltools         0.5.0   → 0.5.1       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: b23eb55)
+ htmlwidgets       1.5.3   → 1.5.3       [bld][dl]
+ httpuv            1.5.4   →  [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: ed87a9b)
+ igraph                      1.2.6       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ isoband                     0.2.3       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ jquerylib                   0.1.3       [bld][dl]
+ jsonlite          1.7.2   → 1.7.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ knitr             1.30    → 1.30        [bld][dl]
+ labeling                    0.4.2       [bld][dl]
+ later    →  [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: eb2c8ad)
+ lazyeval                    0.2.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ leaflet                [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 89aba69)
+ leaflet.providers           1.9.0       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: a992fad)
+ listenv                     0.8.0       [bld][dl]
+ lmtest                      0.9-38      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ lubridate              [bld][cmp][dl]
+ magrittr          2.0.1   → 2.0.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ maps                        3.3.0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ markdown          1.1     → 1.1         [bld][cmp][dl]
+ Matrix            1.2-18  → 1.3-2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ memoise                     1.1.0       [bld][dl]
+ modeltools                  0.2-23      [bld][dl]
+ munsell                     0.5.0       [bld][dl]
+ networkD3                   0.4         [bld][dl]
+ NLP                         0.2-1       [bld][dl]
+ packrat                     0.5.0       [bld][dl]
+ parallelly                  1.23.0      [bld][dl]
+ plogr                       0.2.0       [bld][dl]
+ plotly                 [bld][dl]
+ png               0.1-7   → 0.1-7       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ pool                [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 0d059e4)
+ promises          1.1.1   →  [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: bbadb3d)
+ pryr                        0.1.4       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ purrr                       0.3.4       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ quadprog                    1.5-8       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ quantmod                    0.4.18      [bld][dl]
+ R.cache                     0.14.0      [bld][dl]
+ R.methodsS3                 1.8.1       [bld][dl]
+ R.oo                        1.24.0      [bld][dl]
+ R.utils                     2.10.1      [bld][dl]
+ ragg                        0.4.0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ rappdirs                    0.3.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ raster                      3.4-5       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ RColorBrewer                1.1-2       [bld][dl]
+ RcppArmadillo       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ reactlog                    1.1.0       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 31c519d)
+ reactR                      0.4.3       [bld][dl]
+ remotes           2.2.0   → 2.2.0       [bld][dl]
+ rjson                       0.2.20      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ rlang             0.4.10  → 0.4.10      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ rlist                  [bld][dl]
+ rmarkdown         2.6     → 2.6         [bld][dl]
+ rsconnect                   0.8.16-9002 [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: c64f5af)
+ RSQLite                     2.2.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ rversions                   2.0.2       [bld][dl]
+ sass                        0.3.0       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 5359c04)
+ scales                      1.1.1       [bld][dl]
+ sf                          0.9-7       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ shiny             1.5.0   → 1.6.0       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: a844938)
+ shinydashboard              0.7.1       [bld][dl]
+ shinyjs                     2.0.0       [bld][dl]
+ shinyjster          [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 3358dfd)
+ shinymeta                   0.2.0       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: b78a1cf)
+ shinytest         1.4.0   → 1.4.1       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 1c1f837)
+ shinythemes                 1.1.2       [bld][dl]
+ showtext                    0.9-1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ showtextdb                  3.0         [bld][dl]
+ slam                        0.1-48      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ sp                          1.4-4       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ styler                      1.3.2       [bld][dl]
+ sysfonts                    0.8.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ systemfonts                 0.3.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ textshaping                 0.2.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ thematic                    0.1.1       [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: b3d481a)
+ tidyr                       1.1.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ tidyselect                  1.1.0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ timeDate                    3043.102    [bld][dl]
+ tm                          0.7-8       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ treemap                     2.4-2       [bld][dl]
+ tseries                     0.10-48     [bld][cmp][dl]
+ TTR                         0.24.2      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ units                       0.6-7       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ urca                        1.3-0       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ viridis                     0.5.1       [bld][dl]
+ viridisLite                 0.3.0       [bld][dl]
+ webdriver         1.0.5   →  [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 10f25c5)
+ websocket           [bld][cmp][dl] (GitHub: 0745e31)
+ wordcloud                   2.6         [bld][cmp][dl]
+ xfun              0.19    → 0.20        [bld][cmp][dl]
+ XML                         3.99-0.5    [bld][cmp][dl]
+ xml2                        1.3.2       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ xts                         0.12.1      [bld][cmp][dl]
+ yaml              2.2.1   → 2.2.1       [bld][cmp][dl]
+ zoo                         1.8-8       [bld][cmp][dl]

! rlang, yaml, evaluate, knitr, rmarkdown, xfun, curl, remotes, and htmltools
  are loaded in the current R session, you probably need to restart R after the

ℹ Getting 137 pkgs with unknown sizes

✔ Cached copy of remotes 2.2.0 (source) is the latest build
✔ Got lazyeval 0.2.2 (source) (162.13 kB)
✔ Got evaluate 0.14 (source) (73.87 kB)
✔ Got gtable 0.3.0 (source) (429.21 kB)
✔ Got lmtest 0.9-38 (source) (398.58 kB)
✔ Got htmlwidgets 1.5.3 (source) (270.66 kB)
✔ Got rlang 0.4.10 (source) (1.30 MB)
✔ Got labeling 0.4.2 (source) (58.49 kB)
✔ Got dplyr 1.0.2 (source) (1.20 MB)
✔ Got isoband 0.2.3 (source) (3.64 MB)
✔ Got blob 1.2.1 (source) (44.95 kB)
✔ Got broom 0.7.3 (source) (1.70 MB)
✔ Got munsell 0.5.0 (source) (241.68 kB)
✔ Got reactR 0.4.3 (source) (611.72 kB)
✔ Got rappdirs 0.3.1 (source) (146.73 kB)
✔ Got DBI 1.1.0 (source) (640.46 kB)
✔ Got cachem (source) (40.97 kB)
✔ Got RSQLite 2.2.1 (source) (4.38 MB)
✔ Got xfun 0.20 (source) (299.29 kB)
✔ Got plotly (source) (2.97 MB)
✔ Got wordcloud 2.6 (source) (373.04 kB)
✔ Got markdown 1.1 (source) (215.42 kB)
✔ Got showtext 0.9-1 (source) (313.07 kB)
✔ Got quadprog 1.5-8 (source) (41.58 kB)
✔ Got tm 0.7-8 (source) (1.27 MB)
✔ Got brio 1.1.0 (source) (40.73 kB)
✔ Got later (source) (79.89 kB)
✔ Got backports 1.2.1 (source) (87.79 kB)
✔ Got gridBase 0.4-7 (source) (161.60 kB)
✔ Got fastmap (source) (99.66 kB)
✔ Got jquerylib 0.1.3 (source) (525.63 kB)
✔ Got treemap 2.4-2 (source) (289.16 kB)
✔ Got sysfonts 0.8.2 (source) (1.17 MB)
✔ Got globals 0.14.0 (source) (93.19 kB)
✔ Got modeltools 0.2-23 (source) (208.56 kB)
✔ Got quantmod 0.4.18 (source) (1.02 MB)
✔ Got htmltools 0.5.1 (source) (99.03 kB)
✔ Got fracdiff 1.5-1 (source) (128.21 kB)
✔ Got packrat 0.5.0 (source) (451.88 kB)
✔ Got cpp11 0.2.4 (source) (155.34 kB)
✔ Got plogr 0.2.0 (source) (12.60 kB)
✔ Got viridisLite 0.3.0 (source) (56.99 kB)
✔ Got tseries 0.10-48 (source) (407.32 kB)
✔ Got R.cache 0.14.0 (source) (100.80 kB)
✔ Got additivityTests 1.1-4 (source) (53.64 kB)
✔ Got flexdashboard 0.5.2 (source) (168.71 kB)
✔ Got listenv 0.8.0 (source) (103.29 kB)
✔ Got RColorBrewer 1.1-2 (source) (52.74 kB)
✔ Got memoise 1.1.0 (source) (34.06 kB)
✔ Got png 0.1-7 (source) (56.10 kB)
✔ Got generics 0.1.0 (source) (68.21 kB)
✔ Got Cairo 1.5-12.2 (source) (89.53 kB)
✔ Got rversions 2.0.2 (source) (65.91 kB)
✔ Got glue 1.4.2 (source) (143.41 kB)
✔ Got R.methodsS3 1.8.1 (source) (79.96 kB)
✔ Got jsonlite 1.7.2 (source) (521.97 kB)
✔ Got magrittr 2.0.1 (source) (229.86 kB)
✔ Got scales 1.1.1 (source) (550.07 kB)
✔ Got shinydashboard 0.7.1 (source) (320.58 kB)
✔ Got bit 4.0.4 (source) (668.76 kB)
✔ Got networkD3 0.4 (source) (188.76 kB)
✔ Got rjson 0.2.20 (source) (189.01 kB)
✔ Got tidyselect 1.1.0 (source) (198.18 kB)
✔ Got dbplyr 2.0.0 (source) (729.96 kB)
✔ Got yaml 2.2.1 (source) (248.09 kB)
✔ Got parallelly 1.23.0 (source) (214.85 kB)
✔ Got rlist (source) (222.44 kB)
✔ Got slam 0.1-48 (source) (215.49 kB)
✔ Got websocket (source) (386.20 kB)
✔ Got NLP 0.2-1 (source) (385.69 kB)
✔ Got AsioHeaders 1.16.1-1 (source) (444.89 kB)
✔ Got TTR 0.24.2 (source) (519.46 kB)
✔ Got purrr 0.3.4 (source) (423.36 kB)
✔ Got shinythemes 1.1.2 (source) (962.79 kB)
✔ Got classInt 0.4-3 (source) (455.45 kB)
✔ Got xml2 1.3.2 (source) (519.62 kB)
✔ Got urca 1.3-0 (source) (1.09 MB)
✔ Got bit64 4.0.5 (source) (562.55 kB)
✔ Got future 1.21.0 (source) (603.08 kB)
✔ Got zoo 1.8-8 (source) (1.09 MB)
✔ Got textshaping 0.2.1 (source) (595.04 kB)
✔ Got styler 1.3.2 (source) (591.12 kB)
✔ Got flexclust 1.4-0 (source) (662.40 kB)
✔ Got fs 1.5.0 (source) (680.56 kB)
✔ Got curl 4.3 (source) (776.69 kB)
✔ Got R.oo 1.24.0 (source) (961.87 kB)
✔ Got xts 0.12.1 (source) (955.19 kB)
✔ Got e1071 1.7-4 (source) (876.98 kB)
✔ Got R.utils 2.10.1 (source) (1.41 MB)
✔ Got tidyr 1.1.2 (source) (1.06 MB)
✔ Got hexbin 1.28.1 (source) (1.06 MB)
✔ Got gridExtra 2.3 (source) (1.11 MB)
✔ Got ggvis 0.4.7 (source) (1.13 MB)
✔ Got shinyjs 2.0.0 (source) (1.11 MB)
✔ Got pryr 0.1.4 (source) (1.12 MB)
✔ Got knitr 1.30 (source) (1.39 MB)
✔ Got biclust 2.0.2 (source) (1.31 MB)
✔ Got units 0.6-7 (source) (1.40 MB)
✔ Got highcharter 0.8.2 (source) (1.48 MB)
✔ Got XML 3.99-0.5 (source) (1.92 MB)
✔ Got DT 0.17 (source) (1.68 MB)
✔ Got timeDate 3043.102 (source) (1.55 MB)
✔ Got systemfonts 0.3.2 (source) (1.65 MB)
✔ Got farver 2.0.3 (source) (2.07 MB)
✔ Got ragg 0.4.0 (source) (1.80 MB)
✔ Got lubridate (source) (1.79 MB)
✔ Got viridis 0.5.1 (source) (1.86 MB)
✔ Got RcppArmadillo (source) (2.03 MB)
✔ Got sp 1.4-4 (source) (1.94 MB)
✔ Got showtextdb 3.0 (source) (2.01 MB)
✔ Got colorspace 2.0-0 (source) (2.61 MB)
✔ Got data.table 1.13.6 (source) (2.52 MB)
✔ Got raster 3.4-5 (source) (5.21 MB)
✔ Got arules 1.6-6 (source) (2.74 MB)
✔ Got Matrix 1.3-2 (source) (4.97 MB)
✔ Got maps 3.3.0 (source) (3.70 MB)
✔ Got forecast 8.13 (source) (3.51 MB)
✔ Got rmarkdown 2.6 (source) (3.61 MB)
✔ Got ggplot2 3.3.3 (source) (4.06 MB)
✔ Got sf 0.9-7 (source) (7.12 MB)
✔ Got igraph 1.2.6 (source) (7.50 MB)
✔ Got shinytest 1.4.1 (source) (1.69 MB)
✔ Got webdriver (source) (298.46 kB)
✔ Got httpuv (source) (2.21 MB)
✔ Got rsconnect 0.8.16-9002 (source) (522.11 kB)
✔ Got promises (source) (3.12 MB)
✔ Got shiny 1.6.0 (source) (4.05 MB)
✔ Got sass 0.3.0 (source) (2.38 MB)
✔ Got pool (source) (55.46 kB)
✔ Got reactlog 1.1.0 (source) (7.85 MB)
✔ Got leaflet.providers 1.9.0 (source) (45.36 kB)
✔ Got shinymeta 0.2.0 (source) (230.50 kB)
✔ Got bslib 0.2.4 (source) (5.31 MB)
✔ Got crosstalk (source) (4.97 MB)
✔ Got thematic 0.1.1 (source) (7.93 MB)
✔ Got shinyjster (source) (14.55 MB)
✔ Got leaflet (source) (14.86 MB)
✔ Downloaded 136 packages (196.48 MB) in 2m 27.8s

ℹ Packaging fastmap
ℹ Packaging leaflet.providers 1.9.0
ℹ Building jsonlite 1.7.2
ℹ Building lazyeval 0.2.2
✔ Built lazyeval 0.2.2 (781ms)
ℹ Building magrittr 2.0.1
✔ Built jsonlite 1.7.2 (921ms)
✔ Packaged fastmap (1.4s)
✔ Packaged leaflet.providers 1.9.0 (1.4s)
ℹ Building rlang 0.4.10
ℹ Building yaml 2.2.1
ℹ Building Matrix 1.3-2
✔ Built magrittr 2.0.1 (598ms)
ℹ Building RColorBrewer 1.1-2
✔ Built RColorBrewer 1.1-2 (404ms)
ℹ Building brio 1.1.0
✔ Built yaml 2.2.1 (974ms)
ℹ Building colorspace 2.0-0
✔ Built rlang 0.4.10 (1.3s)
ℹ Building evaluate 0.14
✔ Built brio 1.1.0 (591ms)
ℹ Building farver 2.0.3
✔ Built evaluate 0.14 (601ms)
ℹ Building glue 1.4.2
✔ Built glue 1.4.2 (470ms)
ℹ Building gtable 0.3.0
✔ Built colorspace 2.0-0 (1.9s)
ℹ Building labeling 0.4.2
✔ Built gtable 0.3.0 (889ms)
ℹ Building viridisLite 0.3.0
✔ Built labeling 0.4.2 (450ms)
ℹ Building xfun 0.20
✔ Built viridisLite 0.3.0 (507ms)
ℹ Building maps 3.3.0
✔ Built Matrix 1.3-2 (4s)
ℹ Building curl 4.3
✔ Built xfun 0.20 (675ms)
ℹ Building sysfonts 0.8.2
✔ Built farver 2.0.3 (2.9s)
ℹ Building png 0.1-7
✔ Built png 0.1-7 (485ms)
ℹ Building DBI 1.1.0
✔ Built sysfonts 0.8.2 (942ms)
ℹ Building generics 0.1.0
✔ Built curl 4.3 (1.2s)
ℹ Building bit 4.0.4
✔ Built generics 0.1.0 (534ms)
ℹ Building memoise 1.1.0
✔ Built DBI 1.1.0 (964ms)
ℹ Building plogr 0.2.0
✔ Built maps 3.3.0 (2.3s)
ℹ Building NLP 0.2-1
✔ Built memoise 1.1.0 (621ms)
ℹ Building slam 0.1-48
✔ Built bit 4.0.4 (1.2s)
ℹ Building xml2 1.3.2
✔ Built plogr 0.2.0 (802ms)
ℹ Building XML 3.99-0.5
✔ Built NLP 0.2-1 (775ms)
ℹ Building backports 1.2.1
✔ Built slam 0.1-48 (822ms)
ℹ Building cpp11 0.2.4
✔ Built backports 1.2.1 (545ms)
ℹ Building data.table 1.13.6
✔ Built xml2 1.3.2 (1.3s)
ℹ Building rjson 0.2.20
✔ Built cpp11 0.2.4 (690ms)
ℹ Building zoo 1.8-8
✔ Built XML 3.99-0.5 (1.9s)
ℹ Building globals 0.14.0
✔ Built rjson 0.2.20 (699ms)
ℹ Building listenv 0.8.0
✔ Built zoo 1.8-8 (814ms)
ℹ Building parallelly 1.23.0
✔ Built globals 0.14.0 (568ms)
ℹ Building hexbin 1.28.1
✔ Built listenv 0.8.0 (561ms)
ℹ Building Cairo 1.5-12.2
✔ Built parallelly 1.23.0 (565ms)
ℹ Building RcppArmadillo
✔ Built hexbin 1.28.1 (767ms)
ℹ Building fracdiff 1.5-1
✔ Built data.table 1.13.6 (2.9s)
ℹ Building quadprog 1.5-8
✔ Built fracdiff 1.5-1 (577ms)
ℹ Building timeDate 3043.102
✔ Built quadprog 1.5-8 (542ms)
ℹ Building urca 1.3-0
✔ Built timeDate 3043.102 (897ms)
ℹ Building gridBase 0.4-7
✔ Built urca 1.3-0 (722ms)
ℹ Building additivityTests 1.1-4
✔ Built gridBase 0.4-7 (532ms)
ℹ Building modeltools 0.2-23
✔ Built additivityTests 1.1-4 (488ms)
ℹ Building e1071 1.7-4
✔ Built modeltools 0.2-23 (661ms)
ℹ Building units 0.6-7
✔ Built e1071 1.7-4 (1.1s)
ℹ Building remotes 2.2.0
✔ Built RcppArmadillo (4.4s)
ℹ Building fastmap
✔ Built remotes 2.2.0 (688ms)
ℹ Building AsioHeaders 1.16.1-1
✔ Built units 0.6-7 (2.3s)
ℹ Building rappdirs 0.3.1
✔ Built rappdirs 0.3.1 (519ms)
ℹ Building fs 1.5.0
✔ Built AsioHeaders 1.16.1-1 (2.6s)
ℹ Building leaflet.providers 1.9.0
✔ Built fs 1.5.0 (2.1s)
ℹ Building packrat 0.5.0
✔ Built Cairo 1.5-12.2 (9.7s)
ℹ Building R.methodsS3 1.8.1
✔ Built packrat 0.5.0 (1s)
ℹ Building sp 1.4-4
✔ Built R.methodsS3 1.8.1 (862ms)

Error: <callr_remote_error: Failed to move installed package at '/opt/R/4.0.3/lib/R/library/jsonlite'>
 in process 53
<install_filesystem_error in install_extracted_binary(filename, lib_cache, pkg_cache, lib,  ...:
 Failed to move installed package at '/opt/R/4.0.3/lib/R/library/jsonlite'>
 in process

 Stack trace:

 12. (function (...)  ...
 13. base:::withCallingHandlers(cli_message = function(msg) { ...
 14. get("pkg_install_do_plan", asNamespace("pak"))(...)
 15. pkgdepends::install_package_plan(plan = plan, lib = lib, num_workers = num_ ...
 16. base:::withCallingHandlers({ ...
 17. pkgdepends:::handle_events(state, events)
 18. pkgdepends:::handle_event(state, i)
 19. proc$get_result()
 20. processx:::process_get_result(self, private)
 21. private$post_process()
 22. pkgdepends:::install_extracted_binary(filename, lib_cache, pkg_cache,  ...
 23. base:::throw(new_fs_error("Failed to move installed package at {installed_p ...
 24. base:::signalCondition(cond)
 25. (function (e)  ...
 26. base:::stop(e)
 27. (function (e)  ...

 x Failed to move installed package at '/opt/R/4.0.3/lib/R/library/jsonlite'
gaborcsardi commented 3 years ago

I think this is a Docker issue and it is the same as https://github.com/r-lib/pak/issues/251#issuecomment-744067706

schloerke commented 3 years ago

Looks and sounds like the same bug. Thank you

Closing here.