r$> x$solve()
Warning messages:
1: In value$ref %in% private$state$ref && !value$direct :
'length(x) = 2 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
2: In value$ref %in% private$state$ref && !value$direct :
'length(x) = 2 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
3: In value$ref %in% private$state$ref && !value$direct && private$state$direct[match(value$ref, :
'length(x) = 2 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
r$> x$get_solution()
+ result: FAILED
+ refs:
- local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f0aa9dff9
+ constraints (6):
- `knitr@1.34` resolution failed
- `withr@2.4.3` resolution failed
- select {{ Package }} exactly once
- select knitr at most once
- local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f0aa9dff9 depends on knitr@1.34: but not knitr@1.34 NA, withr@2.4.3 NA
- local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f0aa9dff9 depends on withr@2.4.3: but no candidates
x failures:
* local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f0aa9dff9:
* Can't install dependency knitr@1.34
* Can't install dependency withr@2.4.3
* knitr@1.34: ! pkgdepends resolution error for .
Caused by error:
! argument is of length zero
* withr@2.4.3: ! pkgdepends resolution error for .
Caused by error:
! argument is of length zero
Things are correct if I use cran/<pkg>/<version> notation
r$> x$get_solution()
+ result: OK
+ refs:
- local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f012f2c0a9
+ constraints (49):
- select {{ Package }} exactly once
- select knitr at most once
- select withr at most once
- select cli at most once
- select evaluate at most once
- select glue at most once
- select highr at most once
- select lifecycle at most once
- select magrittr at most once
- select rlang at most once
+ solution:
- cli
- cran/knitr@1.34
- cran/withr@2.4.3
- evaluate
- glue
- highr
- lifecycle
- local::/var/folders/m1/hrz0h_ls7gz57rc80tnj41t80000gp/T//RtmpQo6eWm/file149f012f2c0a9
- magrittr
- rlang
- stringi
- stringr
- vctrs
- xfun
- yaml
So after https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdepends/pull/308 versioned CRAN package references are supported and I got solver warnings that results in failed dependency resolution
Things are correct if I use