Closed IndrajeetPatil closed 6 months ago
You have
performance -> quantreg -> MatrixModels -> Matrix
and MatrixModels needs Matrix >= 1.6.0, which is not available for R 4.2.x and below AFAICT.
Thanks. I had managed to figure this out, but I created an issue nonetheless because I was surprised that the error message didn't contain this information.
Usually, the error message does mention conflicts stemming from required R version. E.g. it can be seen in this run:
Caused by error:
! Could not solve package dependencies:
* deps::.: Can't install dependency quantreg
* quantreg: Can't install dependency MatrixModels
* MatrixModels: Can't install dependency Matrix (>= 1.6-0)
* Matrix: Needs R >= 4.5
* Matrix: Needs R >= 4.4.0
* any::sessioninfo: dependency conflict
* any::rcmdcheck: dependency conflict
* any::BH: dependency conflict
* any::RcppEigen: dependency conflict
So I wasn't sure why it failed in this context.
At any rate, feel free to close if you think it's an edge case not worth pursuing further.
This is already tracked here:
New containers will be build overnight.