My solution that I packaged there wraps around progress and allows one to use either of the following syntaxes :
for (i in 1:10) {
pb <- progress_bar$new(format = "Something: [:bar] :percent :elapsed")
pb -> for (i in 1:10) {
It uses some quirks of the R language but it offers an intuitive interface and avoids the current issue of having to type "2 things".
You can find more by following either link above. The code might be too weird for this package but if you think it might have a place here it's yours to take and tweak.
I played around with this question on SO.
My solution that I packaged there wraps around progress and allows one to use either of the following syntaxes :
It uses some quirks of the R language but it offers an intuitive interface and avoids the current issue of having to type "2 things".
You can find more by following either link above. The code might be too weird for this package but if you think it might have a place here it's yours to take and tweak.