r-lib / revdepcheck

R package reverse dependency checking
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how to install revdepcheck? #261

Closed dankelley closed 4 years ago

dankelley commented 4 years ago

Preamble. I am preparing to submit an update to one of my CRAN packages, and so am doing the usual checks in winbuilder, rhub, etc. And now I am at the stage of checking reverse dependencies, but I can no longer use revdepcheck as I had done in the past. I'd appreciate some advice, since I feel that the actions undertaken by revdepcheck are very valuable.

My issue. The README says to install revdepcheck with


but when I try that, I get

Installing package into ‘/Users/kelley/Library/R/4.0/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning message:
package ‘revdepcheck’ is not available (for R version 4.0.0)

so I wonder whether I ought to use install_github() and report those results in my CRAN comments, or whether there is a new replacement for the revdepcheck package, perhaps?

ms609 commented 4 years ago

revdepcheck is not yet available on CRAN, as hinted in README.md.

Until it is, devtools::install_github('r-lib/revdepcheck') is indeed a good way to install the package.

dankelley commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I installed that way, and it works a charm. I'll close this issue now, with my appreciation.