r-lib / roxygen2

Generate R package documentation from inline R comments
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markdown support does not work within \if{latex}{} condition? #1048

Open allenzhuaz opened 4 years ago

allenzhuaz commented 4 years ago

I really like the roxygen2 build markdown support with option Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) or @md, but when I wrote some documentation within the if{latex}{} condition, the markdown language did not work within the latex condition, even if I set the markdown support option.

For example, I have to write multiple items as: #' \if{latex}{ #' Example: #' \itemize{ #' \item 1st item #' \item 2nd item #' \item 3rd item }} rather than #' \if{latex}{ #' Example: #' * 1st item #' * 2nd item #' * 3rd item } Similarly, for inserting a table, seemingly I am only allowed to write: #' \if{latex}{ #' \tabular{ll}{ #' a \tab b \cr #' c \tab d #' }} but not allowed to use markdown, like: #' \if{latex}{ #' | a | b | #' |----|----| #' | c | d | #' } Can the markdown support also be implemented within LaTeX condition?
gaborcsardi commented 4 years ago

Maybe we can fix this. Can you provide a reproducible examples please? See https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/blob/master/.github/SUPPORT.md#making-a-reprex

allenzhuaz commented 4 years ago

Please see the reproducible example:

library(roxygen2) roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), "

' @section Test

' \if{latex}{

' List example:

' * 1st item

' * 2nd item

' * 3rd item

' Table example:

' | a | b |

' |---|---|

' | c | d |

' }

' @export

fun <- function(){return(NULL)} ")

hadley commented 4 years ago

Actual reprex:

roc_proc_text(rd_roclet(), "
#' Title
#' @section Test:
#' \\if{latex}{
#' List example:
#' * 1st item
#' * 2nd item
#' * 3rd item
#' Table example:
#' | a | b |
#' |---|---|
#' | c | d |
#' }
#' @export
fun <- function(){return(NULL)}
#> % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
#> % Please edit documentation in ./<text>
#> \name{fun}
#> \alias{fun}
#> \title{Title}
#> \usage{
#> fun()
#> }
#> \description{
#> Title
#> }
#> \section{Test}{
#> \if{latex}{
#> List example:
#> * 1st item
#> * 2nd item
#> * 3rd item
#> Table example:
#> | a | b |
#> |---|---|
#> | c | d |
#> }
#> }

Created on 2020-03-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

hadley commented 4 years ago

I think getting this to work is going to be hard, because we'd have to parse the Rd in order to figure out which bits should be transformed.

gaborcsardi commented 4 years ago

According to my comments at https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/blob/357d856f6ccdb96b7a95b42bf747cf10e2a26fb3/R/markdown-escaping.R#L13-L16 this should work.

But it does not. It is probably not that hard, because we already escape these macros, so they are already parsed.

gaborcsardi commented 4 years ago

Yeah, so I think for this we need to add another mode to the roxygen_parse_tag() C function, to only parse the first argument of \if or \ifelse and leave the rest in place.


allenzhuaz commented 4 years ago

Yeah, so I think for this we need to add another mode to the roxygen_parse_tag() C function, to only parse the first argument of \if or \ifelse and leave the rest in place.


Thanks for looking into this feature, still on demand for the feature in our development, wondering whether it will be implemented in the next released version?

gaborcsardi commented 4 years ago

We'll look at this issue before the next release, yes.