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How to disable verbose message? #1223

Closed ShixiangWang closed 3 years ago

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

When I run devtools::document(), I found many messages not useful to me, they would not generate NOTEs in check because most of the functions share same arguments or are documented in the same file. So how could I disable such message?

> devtools::document()
ℹ Updating TCMR documentation
ℹ Loading TCMR
Functions with @param inconsistency:
  * Function 'bar_plot()' with title 'Barplot for enrichResult': 
  * Function 'tf_enrich()' with title 'TF Enrichment for Genes': 
  * Function 'gene_dot()' with title 'Dotplot of Special Genes in Special Compounds of logFC Matrix': 
  * Function 'geneplot()' with title 'Gene Expression Plot': 
  * Function 'get_sig_GO()' with title 'Get Enriched GO Sets': 
    - Missing @param's: data, p.cutoff, p.adj.cutoff, sortby, ont, n.path
  * Function 'get_sig_pathway()' with title 'Get Enriched Signal Pathways': 
  * Function 'getdotplot()' with title 'Dotplot for enrichResult': 
  * Function 'dotplot()' with title 'Dotplot of enrichResult': 
  * Function 'plotcs()' with title 'Title Visualize Connectivity score': 
  * Function 'runGSEA()' with title 'Run GSEA': 
  * Function 'ss_CoreGx()' with title 'CoreGx method for Signature Search': 
    - Missing @param's: input, data
  * Function 'ss_cmap()' with title 'CMAP method for Signature Search': 
  * Function 'ss_cor()' with title 'Cor method for for Signature Search': 
  * Function 'ss_gcmap()' with title 'gcmap Method for Signature Search': 
    - Missing @param's: input, data
  * Function 'ss_lincsscore()' with title 'Lincs method for Signature Search': 
    - Missing @param's: input, data
Functions with @export but no @return:
  * Function 'deg_batch_caller()' with title ''
  * Function 'ss_CoreGx()' with title 'CoreGx method for Signature Search'
  * Function 'ss_gcmap()' with title 'gcmap Method for Signature Search'
  * Function 'ss_lincsscore()' with title 'Lincs method for Signature Search'



gaborcsardi commented 3 years ago

Can you show the code that generates these messages?

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

@gaborcsardi Sorry to bother you, I just found why this occur. My friend wrongly set the value in DESCRIPTION file.

We used roxytest for add test tag but he used the wrong setting :(.

# Bad
Roxygen: list(roclets = c("namespace", "rd", 
# Good
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, roclets = c("collate",
    "namespace", "rd", "roxytest::testthat_roclet"))