r-lib / testthat

An R 📦 to make testing 😀
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feature request: bulk delete X.new.md for snapshot changes #1923

Open fh-mthomson opened 5 months ago

fh-mthomson commented 5 months ago

If I make a silly mistake, then run tests, it can introduce N spurious changes to snapshot tests that I want to quickly "reset" in bulk.

For example, git status shows something like:

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Normally, I'd do git restore . to get back to clean, but since they're untracked (net new files), I find myself doing either:

  1. Manually delete *.new.md files
  2. If N is large: lazily use git restore (risky) rm -rf tests/testthat/ && git restore .

AFAIK, snapshot_review() requires clicking "Skip" for each file. Is there another way to bulk ignore the proposed changes? E.g., a new snapshot_reset() operation?

thank you for the great snapshot testing tools - they've been a game-changer for testing user messaging, and more!

hadley commented 4 months ago

How about git clean -f?

fh-mthomson commented 3 months ago

Mhm that should work, but is (1) slightly riskier (example below) and (2) more git jargon words to remember (instead of testthat functions which are trivial to call given great naming!)

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

git clean -f drops both .R (wanted, in progress) and .new.md (unwanted), which is not desirable.

Again, totally workable via git, mostly sharing as a "maybe one day" idea :)