Closed dpprdan closed 3 years ago
I think probably it would be best to use rmarkdown::find_pandoc()
for this and only do it conditional on the presence of the rmarkdown
and withr
I've used Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
over rmarkdown::find_pandoc()
in, because rmarkdown::find_pandoc()
effectively only adds ~/opt/pandoc/
as a search location for pandoc at the cost of its dependency:
this function searches for pandoc from the environment variable
(the RStudio IDE will set this variable to the directory of Pandoc bundled with the IDE), the environment variablePATH
, and the directory~/opt/pandoc/
But maybe ~/opt/pandoc/
is more relevant than I realise. (I.e. this is just a note, either approach is fine).
I am a bit worried that it is easy to miss that certain docs are not checked, if you don't have the right packages installed (re: your suggestion to make this conditional). CRAN will check those docs either way. To put it more bluntly: what's the use of an incomplete URL check? So should there generally be messages/warnings about which docs were (not) checked?
Ok, you could use something like this to also avoid the withr dependency, which I would prefer.
with_pandoc_path <- function(code) {
pandoc_path <- Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC")
if (nzchar(pandoc_path)) {
old_path <- Sys.getenv("PATH")
Sys.setenv("PATH", file.path(pandoc_path, old, sep = .Platform$path.sep))
on.exit(Sys.setenv("PATH", old_path))
pandoc_location <- Sys.which("pandoc")
if (!nzchar(pandoc_location)) {
stop("pandoc not found!")
At least on Windows Pandoc (as installed by RStudio) is unlikely to be on the system PATH, which means that URLs in Rmds and READMEs are not checked. (I have had a package submission rejected due to this.)
RStudio users do have Pandoc installed and the path can be found out with
. So this could be put on the path withwithr::local_path(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"))
. This would add a dependency on {withr}, however. (Cf., consider putting RStudio's Pandoc on the path. I could draft a PR if it helps.
Possible workaround: Run
withr::with_path(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"), url_check())