r-lib / vctrs

Generic programming with typed R vectors
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Add vec_proxy_missing() #1928

Open khusmann opened 2 months ago

khusmann commented 2 months ago

vec_proxy_missing() adds a new proxy that allows developers to extend the is.na(), na.omit() etc. behavior of their vctrs (as I describe in (#1925). It's useful/needed when vctrs contain special values (or data structures) that represent different types of missingness in their data. In these cases, you need a separate proxy for equal and missing. It also lets you redefine the meaning of complete.

I wanted to take an experimental shot at the implementation here because it didn't seem to hard, and I wanted to play around with the resulting API. I'm extremely satisfied with the result -- this is exactly what I need for implementing a generic vctrs-backed Result<> type in the library I'm working on, and I think could have similar applications elsewhere (like haven::labelled_spss, or declared)

I've added a few tests and documentation updates, but it's only a first-pass. I would be happy to do a deeper & more thorough dive if this is considered for inclusion into vctrs.

Thank you for your consideration!