Consider the following reprex where I have an xml document with multiple nodes of the same element (item):
a <- xml2::as_xml_document("<collection><item>foo</item><item>bar</item></collection>")
b <- xml2::as_list(a)
## This will only show "foo" but not "bar"
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "foo"
## However both elements are there:
#> [1] "item" "item"
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "foo"
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "bar"
When the xml document in the reprex is converted to a list, the list elements will have duplicated names. Which I think is undesirable in R, and will cause all sorts of problems. Would it be possible to either:
Throw a warning when as_list produces duplicated element names; or
Thanks for your work on
!Consider the following reprex where I have an xml document with multiple nodes of the same element (
):Created on 2023-12-30 with reprex v2.0.2
When the xml document in the reprex is converted to a
, the list elements will have duplicated names. Which I think is undesirable in R, and will cause all sorts of problems. Would it be possible to either:as_list
produces duplicated element names; orThanks for considering.