Open Maschette opened 4 years ago
I have been playing and upon discovering asis_yaml_output()
I almost get something that works with
YAML<-yml() %>%
yml_title(title=paste(Year,"report")) %>%
yml_output(html_document(), pdf_document()) %>%
intro<-"#Introduction \n
Welcome to the 2019 final report..."
plot_chunk<- code_chunk({plot(x=1:10, y=1:10) },
chunk_name = "plot_1",
chunk_args=list(fig.width=10, fig.height=10))
cat(YAML, intro, plot_chunk, sep= "\n \n", file="report.rmd")
and it seems to work ok, having the ability to pipe it would be cool but I guess not super urgent.
Yes, I agree that the existing API is not as fluid as it should be. I think something like you suggest in your first comment is in the right arena, although I need to think about it more. Thank you for the suggestion!
Regarding your second comment, I don't think that is producing what you want. asis_yaml_output()
writes a YAML knitr chunk rather than actual metadata for your document, and it does so in a manner that tells knitr to print it exactly. I would also prefer use_rmarkdown()
over the cat()
approach, as the former is specifically designed to assemble these types of documents.
Yep i agree, I wasn't sure the best way to capture the YAML out of the list format. I ended up looking at this which works quite well
YAML<-yml() %>%
yml_title(title=paste(Year,"Mackeral Icefish Assessment")) %>%
yml_output(html_document(), pdf_document())
yaml<-glue::glue_collapse(yaml, "\n")
and then using glue_collapse()
and use_rmarkdown()
to join ad print them all.
doc<-glue::glue_collapse(c(yaml,intro,plot_chunk), sep = c("\n \n \n"))
use_rmarkdown(doc, path = "yml3.rmd")
Just as an idea, I am attending the OzUnconf this week and this may be something that people are interested in working on if you are happy for us to explore option?
This seems like a really great idea. I wrote a little prototype of how I think it could work using some new functions I wrote to string together the yml object with the different body elements as suggested by @Maschette.
# add text block to markdown body
add_text <- function(x, text){
if (!class(x) %in% c("character", "markdown_doc", "yml")){
if (!inherits(text, "character")){
if (inherits(x, "yml")){
x1 <- list(yml = x, body = text)
class(x1) <- "markdown_doc"
} else if (inherits(x, "character")){
c(x, text)
} else if (inherits(x, "markdown_doc")){
x$body <- c(x$body, text)
# add code chunk to markdown body
add_chunk <- function(x, ...){
if (!class(x) %in% c("character", "markdown_doc", "yml")){
if (inherits(x, "yml")){
x1 <- list(yml = x, body = code_chunk(...))
class(x1) <- "markdown_doc"
} else if (inherits(x, "character")){
c(x, code_chunk(...))
} else if (inherits(x, "markdown_doc")){
x$body <- c(x$body, code_chunk(...))
# write yml and body to markdown
write_markdown <- function(x, sep = "\n \n", path, knit = TRUE, ...){
if (!(class(x) %in% c("markdown_doc", "character"))){
if (inherits(x, "markdown_doc")){
yml <- x$yml
body <- glue::glue_collapse(x$body, sep = sep)
} else{
yml <- yml()
body <- x
use_rmarkdown(.yml = yml, body = body, path = path, ...)
if (knit){
example pipeline to reconstruct something like the Bookdown demo introduction:
# example pipeline
yml <- yml() %>% yml_title("") %>%
yml_bookdown_site() %>%
documentclass = "book",
bibliography = c("book.bib", "packages.bib"),
biblio_style = "apalike"
) %>%
link_citations = TRUE
) %>%
yml_description("This is a minimal example of using
the bookdown package to write a book.")
yml %>%
add_text("# Introduction {#intro} \n") %>%
add_chunk(chunk_name = "plot_1",
chunk_args=list(fig.width=5, fig.height=5),
par(mar = c(4, 4, .1, .1))
plot(pressure, type = 'b', pch = 19)
}) %>%
add_text("Reference a figure by its code chunk label with the `fig:` prefix, e.g., see Figure ref(fig:nice-fig).
Similarly, you can reference tables generated from `knitr::kable()`, e.g., see Table ref(tab:nice-tab).") %>%
add_chunk(chunk_name = "nice-tab", chunk_args = list(tidy=FALSE),
head(iris, 20), caption = 'Here is a nice table!',
booktabs = TRUE)}) %>%
add_text("You can write citations, too. For example, we are using the **bookdown** package [@R-bookdown] in this sample book, which was built on top of R Markdown and **knitr** [@xie2015].") %>%
add_text("# References") %>%
write_markdown(path = "Intro.Rmd", overwrite = TRUE, open_doc = FALSE)
Just an Idea and not sure how feasible it would be.
My suggestion is have another function called
with the idea that you can pipe all your normal YAML like this:but then have it that you could build the rest of the document by continuing to pipe eg:
I a just not entirely sure how you would tell it which bit goes into the YAML and which in the code chunk/ body parts of options if I understand how it would work