r-lidar / RCSF

Airborne LiDAR filtering method based on Cloth Simulation
Apache License 2.0
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CSF not working #8

Closed spono closed 5 years ago

spono commented 5 years ago

Ciao JR, I'm running CSF from lidR lidR 2.1.3 but with no success. I'm applying it on a pretty simple point cloud (150 hectares of flat land, appr. 2.5 million pts) it takes eternity to compute & requires up to 5gb RAM. The same cloud is managed in only few mins with pmf().

Code is definitely the most basic one:

las = readLAS(lasfile)
las = lasground(las, csf() )

I tested a bit more on another cloud (11Mln pts) and it works, so it might be a specific issue of the one I'm using. I tried the CSF implemented in CloudCompare and the results are the same.

I sent you the pointcloud by email.

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

So you are saying that you run out of memory only for this point cloud and both in lidR and CloudCompare. Right? If yes you should report this to @jianboqi in https://github.com/jianboqi/CSF

I tested myself and the amount of memory increased a lot and I get stucked in a infinite loop. I tested on another file of mine (with half the number of points) and it ran smoothly.

I also tried by removing duplicated points: same issue.

spono commented 5 years ago

oh ok, I'll write on the other repo. thanks again for further testing and sorry for taking your time!

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

No problem. Anyway if @jianboqi find the issue I will have to integrate the fix in the package.

spono commented 5 years ago

I'll let you know as soon as I get a reply!