r-lidar / rlas

R package to read and write las and laz files used to store LiDAR data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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read.las segfault with "-keep_class" when greater than 31 #26

Closed Buckmaster7 closed 5 years ago

Buckmaster7 commented 5 years ago

Edit: issue moved from lidR to rlas

First off thank you for this very helpful package. I'm not sure this is a bug or a known issue but...

I frequently use LAS files with classification numbers greater than 31. When I use readLAS with a -keep_class filter greater than 31 I get a massive failure (R studio closes and must restart). To clarify this is an example of the code that causes the massive failure:

read.las("File_123.las", filter = "-keep_class 186")  

This same line of code works fine if the -keep_class number is <= 31. It would be great if this very helpful code would work for higher classification numbers.

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

We must consider two things here. One comes from you, the other one comes from LASlib or rlas

Firstly, a classification above 31 does not exist. The classification attribute is stored on 5 bits and thus the maximum classification value is 2⁵-1 = 31 (see ASPRS LAS specification).

What is the expected behavior of -keep_class 186? It should either return 0 point or throw an error but it will never return points with a class equal to 186 because this class cannot even be stored in the file.

That being said it did not return 0 point or throw an error. The behavior was a segfault. This is not a bug in lidR but in LASlib the C++ library that read las files internally via my rlas package .

Let test what happens with lastools

las2las -i input.las -o output.las -keep_class 186 
ERROR: cannot keep classification 186 because it is larger than 31

It means either that:

Anyway this is a bug with the package rlas not lidR. I move this issue to the correct repo.

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

After reading the source code the good answer is: rlas does not catch this error.

Bug confirmed. Thank you for reporting.

Buckmaster7 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Jean-Romain for getting back so quickly! I’m new to R and new to reporting on message boards so I hope my message made sense. Happy New Year

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

Bug fixed. Now fails with an error:

lazfile <- system.file("extdata", "example.laz", package="rlas")
lasdata <- read.las(lazfile, filter = "-keep_class 333")
#> ERROR: cannot keep classification 333 because it is larger than 31
#> Error in C_reader(ifiles, ofile, select, filter, filter_wkt) : 
#>   Filter error see message above. 
Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

Are you using LAS 1.4 file format with point format 6? In that case class 186 exist. rlas now support LAS 1.4. See #27 . But anyway filter = "-keep_class 186" is not supported.

Buckmaster7 commented 5 years ago

Yes – you are correct, that appears to be directly related as to why I ran into problems. This is a bit of a learning process for me although I’ve worked several times with LAS point cloud files I never clued into the limits on the classification codes. Although R is a bit of a steep learning curve for me (I’m a SAS guy), I thoroughly enjoy using the tools you have developed. They are lightning fast - especially compared to working with the point cloud in ARCGIS. Thanks again!

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

They are lightning fast - especially compared to working with the point cloud in ARCGIS

That makes me happy. I'm working hard on speed improvement. I'm glad to know that I beat ARCGIS :wink:

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

If you are working with LAS 1.4 and format > 6, digging int the source code of LAS lib I found -keep_extended_class and -drop_extended_class

rlas::read.las("las14_prf6.las", filter = "-keep_extended_class 186")

And actually it is documented in rlas:::lasfilterusage :wink:

Buckmaster7 commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for that – I’ll give that a try.

Jean-Romain commented 5 years ago

Yes but be careful, the current released version of rlas only has a partial support of LAS1.4 files. Thus the filter will work but the data actually read will not be correct. Update to rlas 1.3.0


To support LAS 1.4 as well as LAS <= 1.3 in a consistent way I introduced a minor incompatibility with lidR 2.0.0. So you must also install lidR 2.0.1 to do not encounter any crash.
