r-lidar / rlas

R package to read and write las and laz files used to store LiDAR data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Partially read corrupted file without fail #66

Closed jfbourdon closed 7 months ago

jfbourdon commented 7 months ago

Reading a corrupted file using rlas::read.las() doesn't result in a failed operation (a variable is created with some data) even though an error message is displayed (but not like with stop(), more like with message("ERROR: ...") ). I'm under the impression that the message that I get is simply passed from LASlib as I can see the same exact message if I use lasinfo from LAStools to extract information on the same file. Running lidR::las_check() on the loaded las object doesn't raise any flag even if the file isn't fully read.

Message displayed in R:

ERROR: 'end-of-file during chunk with index 21' after 1071430 of 7113804 points for 'C:\Temp\20_3625411f06_dc.laz'

Message displayed with lasinfo from LAStools:

LASzip compression (version 3.4r1 c2 50000): POINT10 2 GPSTIME11 2
reporting minimum and maximum for all LAS point record entries ...
ERROR: 'end-of-file during chunk with index 21' after 1071430 of 7113804 points for 'C:\Temp\20_3625411f06_dc.laz'

Unfortunately, I can't provide my corrupted file as my OS refuse to read it completely on the disk in order to upload or copy it... I might have a bad sector on my disk where the file is located. However, if the message I see in R really come from LASlib, triggering a stop() if the string ERROR: is found would do the trick. If necessary, adding a parameter like "force=FALSE/TRUE" to rlas::read.las() would give the option to force read the file without failure like now.

Final side note on the impact of this in lidR. If I created a LAScatolog with the corrupted file and try to clip a region with lidR:clip_roi() for exemple, I get the same error message multiple times and then R crashes completely.

Jean-Romain commented 7 months ago

You are completely right.

LASlib contains hundreds of lines of codes like fprintf(stderr, "....") and warning and error are undifferentiated. In R it is not accepted to use fprintf and stdout/stderr, we must use Rprintf and REprintf to print error. However, to throw and errors, we must use Rf_error and Rf_warning. What I did to make LASlib R compliant is that I automatically replaced everything with REprintf and it is impossible to scan every occurrence to see if it is a real warning or a real error. And even if I can spot errors, I cannot replace easily by Rf_error() in place automatically, because Rf_error exits the code while the code in LASlib usually returns false in order to catch the error and release memory.

Long story short, if I catch errors with stop() equivalent, I will create a memory leak. In order to catch it properly, I must treat manually every single case one by one and change the code in depth.

Final side note on the impact of this in lidR. If I created a LAScatolog with the corrupted file and try to clip a region with lidR:clip_roi() for exemple, I get the same error message multiple times and then R crashes completely.

That's a serious problem. Generating a corrupted file should not be that hard. I'll give it a try.

jfbourdon commented 7 months ago

Of course it couldn't be an easy fix... I'll manage around that then. Thanks for the explanation.

Jean-Romain commented 4 months ago

i guess this fixed the issue https://github.com/LAStools/LAStools/pull/175/

Jean-Romain commented 3 months ago

This commit may fix this issue