r-preston / MPhysProject2021

Initial code for 2021 MPhys project
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Splitting up the work #5

Closed mvesteri closed 2 years ago

mvesteri commented 3 years ago

@r-preston @lmcairns now that we're getting more familiar with ROOT and the data formats I think it is time to start getting more seriously into the project of measuring W and Z cross sections for sqrts = 5 TeV pp collisions. I think we should start by focussing on the Z cross section, which is more straightforward than the W because it is essentially background free. I think we should divide the work into two parts

  1. The hypothesis, i.e. the theory prediction of the cross section.
  2. The measured cross section.

Maybe I explain these in a bit more detail before you decide who wants to focus on which part.

The hypothesis

The measurement

General comments I suggest starting to populate a set of draft documents, which can be used as a basis of your formal reports, but should not have any constraint on length/content. These would eventually evolve into official LHCb "analysis notes", which would get reviewed and could become a real LHCb journal publication. I think it should then be quite straightforward to pick material out of these and edit them into your assessment reports. Concretely, what I suggest is:

mvesteri commented 3 years ago

@r-preston @lmcairns for the measurement part I needed to mention that the simulated Z "data" events can be found in this path /storage/epp2/phshgg/DVTuples__v23/13TeV_2016_28r1_Down_Z_Sim09h.root. The events should look just like the data events but you may notice that there are additional branches/leaves in the TTree, related to "true" information about the generated decay. Obviously this "truth" information wouldn't be available in the "real" data.

r-preston commented 3 years ago

@mvesteri Me and Laura have decided that (at least initially) I'll be focusing on the hypothesis side and Laura will focus on the measurement side. I've managed to successfully install Pythia and get it working for both C++ and Python, what is the next step?

mvesteri commented 3 years ago

@r-preston OK the next step is to try and generate some Z ->mumu events and fill a ROOT TTree with them. You should be able to find some example for generating Z events in the examples/ directory of pythia. For the TTree some skeleton C++ code

#include <TFile>
#include <TTree>
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
int main(){
Pythia8::Pythia pythia;
    pythia.readString( "WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on" );
    pythia.readString( "PhaseSpace:mHatMin = 60" );
    pythia.readString( "PhaseSpace:mHatMax = 120" );
    pythia.readString( "23:onMode = off" );
    pythia.readString( "23:onIfAny = 13" );//force Z to decay to muon (google "MC particle numbering scheme" to see where the 23 and 13 come from).
TFile output("pythia.root","RECREATE");
TTree tree("tree","tree");
float Z_mass;
int n_events = 1000;
for (int i_event = 0; i_event < n_events; ++i_event){
   if ( !pythia.next() ) {

     // try to get the Z mass from the pythia information
     //for ( auto i = 0; i < event.size(); ++i ) { 
     // try to inspect event[i], i.e. particle i in this event. ...
     Z_mass = Z_mass_from_pythia;

There will also be plenty of examples to do the same in python.

mvesteri commented 3 years ago

@r-preston if you get stuck on this please do ask Miguel Ramos Pernas. He is an expert on this sort of thing.

lmcairns commented 3 years ago

@mvesteri Regarding working on the measurement section, which muon/di-muon properties would be most useful for me to focus on and start plotting tomorrow? How would these correspond to calculating the cross section?

You mentioned in last weeks meeting possibly having separate meetings tomorrow to discuss the work required for each session more specifically. Is this still possible? I know you are unavailable for the Thursday meeting and I'm unsure if that extends to tomorrow as well? I'd find it very useful to go through what the measurement working requires in a bit more detail either way.

mvesteri commented 3 years ago

@lmcairns next week we can certainly start having separate meetings on the two threads of the analysis.

For the measurement I'd suggest to try and make plots of the data and simulation for the

Miguel should be happy to answer questions on how to make the plots.