Since right now is both our website and marketplace, we have to update the content to describe RPublishing more (and also talk about Rdrive).
I would suggest we add the YouTube videos of the presentations at both Ecole and PBW and supporting articles.
cc @steverosstalbot @sringsma @Bill-Kunj @RuhanVanVuuren
I'm slightly hesitant as these are clearly RChain pieces of content. It would be better if the website hosts proprietary content and we use social media to refer to third party content.
Since right now is both our website and marketplace, we have to update the content to describe RPublishing more (and also talk about Rdrive).
I would suggest we add the YouTube videos of the presentations at both Ecole and PBW and supporting articles.
cc @steverosstalbot @sringsma @Bill-Kunj @RuhanVanVuuren