r-quantities / units

Measurement units for R
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%% doesn't work correctly? #313

Closed edzer closed 1 year ago

edzer commented 2 years ago

This doesn't seem right:

> set_units(1.98, m) %% set_units(1, foot)
0.98 [m]
> set_units(1.98, m) %% set_units(set_units(1, foot), m)
0.1512 [m]
Enchufa2 commented 2 years ago

These three should be the same, right?

#> udunits database from /usr/share/udunits/udunits2.xml
x <- set_units(1.98, m)
y <- set_units(1, foot)
x %% y
#> 0.98 [m]
x %% set_units(y, m)
#> 0.1512 [m]
drop_units(x) %% drop_units(set_units(y, m))
#> [1] 0.1512

as well as these

set_units(x, foot) %% y
#> 0.496063 [foot]
set_units(x, foot) %% set_units(y, m)
#> 0.09526299 [foot]
drop_units(set_units(x, foot)) %% drop_units(y)
#> [1] 0.496063
edzer commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think so.

Enchufa2 commented 2 years ago

But should the result have units? Or unitless?

edzer commented 2 years ago

units. I tried to compute my length in feet and inches:

> library(units)
udunits database from /usr/share/xml/udunits/udunits2.xml
> set_units(1.98, m) %/% set_units(set_units(1, foot), m)
6 [1]
> rem = set_units(1.98, m) %% set_units(set_units(1, foot), m)
> set_units(rem, `in`)
5.952756 [in]

however this also seems wrong:

> set_units(1.98, m) %/% set_units(1, foot)
3.28084 [1]
Enchufa2 commented 2 years ago

Forget about my previous comment, deleted now. You are right. This should be always true:

all.equal(x, y * (x %/% y) + x %% y)
Enchufa2 commented 2 years ago

This doesn't work properly either:

x <- set_units(3, m)
y <- set_units(1.4, foot)
x %/% y
#> 6.56168 [1]
edzer commented 1 year ago
# udunits database from /usr/share/xml/udunits/udunits2.xml
x <- set_units(3, m)
y <- set_units(1.4, foot)
x %/% y
# 7 [1]
ym = set_units(y, m)
x %/% y
# 7 [1]
# 3 [m]
# 1.4 [foot]
x %/% ym
# 7 [1]
# 3 [m]
# 0.42672 [m]
ym * (x %/% ym) + (x %% ym)
# 3 [m]
set_units(y * (x %/% y) + (x %% y), m)
# 3 [m]
edzer commented 1 year ago

This now breaks on the tests, with

  > a = set_units(1:5, m)
  > a %/% a
  Units: [1]
  [1] 1 1 1 1 1
  > a %/% set_units(2)
  Error: cannot convert 1 into m

but my feeling is that that is correct, and needs removed from the tests.

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

Hmmm... That example may not be the best one, but it should work. The commit above improves things a little bit for a particular case (convertible units), but these operations should work, in principle, with any combination of units.

I worked a bit on this problem some weeks ago, but I entered a rabbit hole at some point and undid the work. What I have is a small test script of things that should work:

x <- set_units(3, m^2)
y <- set_units(1.4, foot)
x %/% y

drop_units(x) %% drop_units(set_units(y, m))
x %% y
x %% set_units(y, m)
x %% drop_units(set_units(y, m))
x %% set_units(drop_units(set_units(y, m)), 1)
x %% set_units(drop_units(set_units(y, m)), 1)
drop_units(x) %% set_units(y, m) # error

drop_units(set_units(x, foot^2)) %% drop_units(y)
set_units(x, foot^2) %% y
set_units(x, foot^2) %% set_units(y, m)
set_units(x, foot^2) %% drop_units(y)
set_units(x, foot^2) %% set_units(drop_units(y), 1)
drop_units(set_units(x, foot^2)) %% y # error

all.equal(x, y * (x %/% y) + x %% y)

We could:

  1. roll an update with aa387a1, but then I would revert 7622f33, and we would need to remove that example to avoid the check error for now;
  2. or revert both aa387a1, 7622f33 and aim at a complete solution to this bug for a future release.
edzer commented 1 year ago

these operations should work, in principle, with any combination of units.

I don't think that %/% or %% should work for incompatible units. "How often can we put one foot in one square metre?" doesn't make sense.

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

You can put

set_units(1, foot) / set_units(1, m^2)
#> 0.3048 [1/m]

So the same for %/% and %%. They're just the integer part and remainder of the operation above.

And from the fact that this equality should hold,

all.equal(x, y * (x %/% y) + x %% y)
edzer commented 1 year ago

Feels odd, but please go ahead (fixing this or reverting my change).

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

My previous attempt at this tried to make conversions and forward with NextMethod, but I think that the most sensible thing to do is to perform a regular division and extract the proper part afterwards. Let me try.

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

Admittedly not the most efficient implementation, but it works. :) I've added the test cases above to the test suite.

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

Package quantities fail with this change a couple of tests. I'll take a look, they probably need to be removed. In such a case, I need to send an update to CRAN too. I'll run full revdep checks too just in case.

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

It required the same fix in package errors. Let me know when you plan to send the update to CRAN, and I'll send an update for errors and quantities too.

edzer commented 1 year ago

I'm ready to go. Shall I inform CRAN that breakage is expected in pkg errors and quantities, or do you want to submit them first?

Enchufa2 commented 1 year ago

Yes, please, submit informing about the expected breakage. I'll submit in a few hours when I come back to my laptop. Thanks!