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Assistance getting gdalUtils "self contained"? #34

Open jgrn307 opened 4 years ago

jgrn307 commented 4 years ago

Folks, one of the issues that I think may be solvable is to get gdalUtils self-contained much like rgdal is (where a user doesn't have to manually install GDAL). However, I have no experience installing external software from within an R package install. Is this something someone out there would be willing to help me with?

edzer commented 4 years ago

You could look into how CRAN package x13binary does this. Alternatively, the gdal utilities interfaced through the GDAL utils C API are available through the sf function gdal_utils; see here but better/more documentation is needed; this may not cover all the utilities you need (in particular those that are Python scripts are missing out, obviously).