Closed rsbivand closed 4 years ago
This seems to have done it. I now have (manually) set the projargs in the binary air.rda
objects in spacetime to +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
, and reset them in the gstat manuals so that they are the actual output of PROJ for this, which depends on version, and then gets propagated/compared.
It would be nice to have a portable and not time varying encoding of WGS84 longlat CRS coding. I'm also thinking of GADM:
> proj4string(raster::getData('GADM', country='FRA', level=1))
[1] "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
Right, I found GADM when trying to find a widely used source of frozen sp and sf vector objects as rda/rds files. Maybe I need to revisit rgdal::spTransform()
to enforce calling sp::CRS()
on input crs without comments? Then we are protected but waste if() checks when things stabilise? However, I can't see how to insert the re-instantiated crs back into the objects as read.
A thought - I'll be teaching CRS stuff Tuesday 3/12, 09:15-11:00, and the last 45m on adaptations. I'll be (trying to) stream it. I could try to bring in Mike Sumner too (mid-evening for him), would talking about this make sense? Participants unsuspecting PhD course people whom I don't yet know. Hope to put streamed chunks on OpenGeoHub youtube when ready.
The revdep for gstat with PROJ6/GDAL3, sp 1.3-3 (my fork), rgdal 1.5-1 (R-Forge) fails with: