Closed jannes-m closed 6 years ago
sorry, my mistake, writing it the correct way helps -:):
coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
proj4string(meuse) <-CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
linkGRASS7(meuse, c("C:/OSGeo4W64","grass-7.2.0","osgeo4W"))
Perfect, this works but still results in this strange error message:
-={ OSGeo4W Shell Commands }=-
Do you have any idea what that means? If we can ignore it safely, maybe suppressing the error message would be an option. Using double backslahes the error message becomes larger:
linkGRASS7(meuse, c("C:\\OSGeo4W64","grass-7.2.0","osgeo4W"))
-={ OSGeo4W Shell Commands }=-
Der Befehl "find" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
And not specifying anything at all, produces the error message mentioned in the first comment:
searching for GRASS installations - this may take a while
For providing the path manually see ?searchGRASSW
-={ OSGeo4W Shell Commands }=-
Der Befehl "find" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Error in rgrass7::initGRASS(gisBase = gisbase_GRASS, home = tmpDir(), :
### rgrass7 is not compatible with the GRASS GIS version 'GRASS 6.4.3 (2013) '!
### Please use the package appropriate to the GRASS GIS version:
### GRASS GIS Version 5.x.y -- GRASS
### GRASS GIS Version 6.x.y -- spgrass6
### GRASS GIS Version 7.x.y -- rgrass7
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:\OSGeo4W64/bin/o-help.bat' had status 255
Is this because of the OSGeo4W-installation of GRASS? That is, do I always have to specify the arguments of linkGRASS7 manually when working with OSGeo4W?
In any case, I really like that using link2GI I can finally make use of GRASS coming with the OSGeo4W-installation instead of having to install it again in another location!
Hi Jannis, have to apologize because I just forget to answer at once because I was kind of busy and now I am on Sardinia without both a working Windows system and programming on my mind ;-) I will check it tonight but without looking at the code I assume an mistake while checking the OS. The find command should be used on Linux only I have to check why it is used on a Windows system. cheers Chris
according to the second error message assume a bug because am I am not really handling the parallel installation of both GRASS-6.x and GRASS-7. The find error message probably is a result of calling the common osgeo4w batch file . I will check...
cheers Chris
Hi Jannes, I am also trying to bind in Grass 7.2 in R with Link2GI and I got the same warning message. I think that it has to do with the Installation of Grass and QGIS through OSGEO. Did you install the QGIS versions manually? I wanted to use QGIS 2.14 and GRASS 7.2 and install "some" RGDAL and OTB dependencies too, but I ended up with two GRASS versions (GRASS 6.x and GRASS 7.x) and R/Link2GI always tried to use Grass 6.x version. So I deinstalled OSGEO and reinstalled the Programs and versions in various combinations, but in the end I found that I had to surrender to use the fast installation resulting in QGIS 2.18, because then there is only GRASS7.2 installed through OSGEO.
This way if you call:
linkGRASS7(Duenns1, c("C:/OSGeo4W64", "grass-7.2.0", "osgeo4W")) -={ OSGeo4W Shell Commands }=- Syntaxfehler. GDAL 2.1.3, released 2017/20/01 gisdbase C:/Users/KELTOS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpkHclAD location file3b383ce566b2 mapset PERMANENT rows 5001 columns 5001 north 5610001 south 5605000 west 464999.5 east 470000.5 nsres 1 ewres 1 projection +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=32 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
If you call:
linkGRASS7(Duenns1, c("C:\OSGeo4W64", "grass-7.2.0", "osgeo4W")) -={ OSGeo4W Shell Commands }=-
assistant ogrinfo
avcexport ogrlineref
avcimport ogrtindex
bmp2tiff osgeo4w-setup
cs2cs pal2rgb
curl pixeltool
designer ppm2tiff
dllupdate proj
example1 psql
example2 pylupdate4
fax2ps pyrcc4
fax2tiff python
fftw-wisdom pythonw
gdaladdo qcatool
gdalbuildvrt qcollectiongenerator
gdaldem qdoc3
gdalenhance qgis-bin
gdalinfo qgis-browser-bin
gdallocationinfo qhelpconverter
gdalmanage qhelpgenerator
gdalserver qmake
gdalsrsinfo qmlplugindump
gdaltindex qmlviewer
gdaltransform qt3to4
gdalwarp qttracereplay
gdal_contour ras2tiff
gdal_grid raw2tiff
gdal_rasterize rcc
gdal_translate rgb2ycbcr
geod rpcgen
geotifcp sip
gif2tiff testepsg
gltpd textreplace
gpsbabel thumbnail
gswin32c tiff2bw
idc tiff2pdf
las2las tiff2ps
las2ogr tiff2rgba
las2txt tiffcmp
lasblock tiffcp
lasinfo tiffcrop
lconvert tiffdither
linguist tiffdump
listgeo tiffinfo
lrelease tiffmedian
lupdate tiffset
moc tiffsplit
mozcerts ts2las
nad2bin txt2las
nccopy uic
ncdump uic3
ncgen xmlcatalog
ncgen3 xmllint
nearblack xmlpatterns
nircmd xmlpatternsvalidator
nircmdc xmlwf
ogdi_import xxmklink
epsg_tr gdal_pansharpen ps2pdf14
esri2wkt gdal_polygonize ps2pdfxx
gcps2vec gdal_proximity python-qgis
gcps2wld gdal_retile pyuic4
gdal2tiles gdal_sieve qgis-browser-grass7
gdal2xyz grass72 qgis-browser
gdalchksum gssetgs qgis-designer
gdalcompare liblas qgis-grass7
gdalident make-bat-for-py qgis
gdalimport mkgraticule rgb2pct
gdalmove o-help saga-ltr_gui
gdal_auth o4w_env setup-test
gdal_calc pct2rgb setup
gdal_edit ps2pdf
gdal_fillnodata ps2pdf12
gdal_merge ps2pdf13
GDAL 2.1.3, released 2017/20/01 gisdbase C:/Users/KELTOS~1/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpkHclAD location file3b386c604655 mapset PERMANENT rows 5001 columns 5001 north 5610001 south 5605000 west 464999.5 east 470000.5 nsres 1 ewres 1 projection +proj=utm +no_defs +zone=32 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257223563 +towgs84=0.000,0.000,0.000 +to_meter=1
there seems to be no syntax error. And it seems to work now :)
Summa summarum: you should check how you installed the GI programmes through OSGEO and which one or which version relies on GRASS 6.x and not install that one.
Best wishes, Agnes
Thanks for both of yours contributions. The addressed errors and problems are caused by some inconsistencies in the program. Actually it is pretty simple to explain and a bit more expensive to fix. I did not think about the situation that anybody would have installed all possible GRASS versions via OSGeo4W within the same root directory. @jannes-m so the error message
rgrass7 is not compatible with the GRASS GIS version 'GRASS 6.4.3 (2013) '!
is a result of the missing check if different versions of GRASS are found in the same root directory and it takes the first version found in this directory. Unfortunately this is a GRASS-6.x version but up to now only GRASS 7 is fully supported...
@keltoskytoi you are right I have to polish the handling of the backslashes ;-) .
I will fix this bugs asap. Up to this you can use only one osgeo4w version GRASS -7.x at a time.
cheers Chris
Thank you for developing the link2GI package! I am trying to use rgrass7 in combination with GRASS7 installed by OSGEO4W (QGIS). link2GI can locate my GRASS installations:
However, if I try to run
, I run into following error message:Do you have any idea why link2GI tells me to use GRASS6, i.e. why it is not able to use GRASS7 installed by OSGEO4W?
All the best,