Closed GreyMerchant closed 5 years ago
@GreyMerchant thanks so much for the issue. There are different opinions on whether a question like this belongs in Github issues, but for mapedit
Github issues is the encouraged forum. I'm travelling currently, but I'll try to post an example once I get back fully online. Glad you are using mapedit
Hi @GreyMerchant I hope this is what you are talking about. Below is my minimum example of using mapedit and leaflet with a button to save edits. In this case the button will also save the created spatial dataframe to a geojson file.
map <- leaflet() %>%
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Minimal Shiny Leaflet Mapedit"),
# Sidebar with a ui for grabbing mapedit data
actionButton('save', 'Save from Map')
# add map
server <- function(input, output) {
edits <- callModule(
leafmap = map,
id = "map"
observeEvent(input$save, {
geom <- edits()$finished
if (!is.null(geom)) {
assign('new_geom', geom, envir = .GlobalEnv)
sf::write_sf(geom, 'new_geom.geojson', delete_layer = TRUE, delete_dsn = TRUE)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
if you also wanted to manipulate the leaflet map you can use leafletProxy
in the normal way. For example:
leafletProxy("map-map") %>%
addPolygons(data = geom, color = 'red')
notice the map-map
reference? this is due the the module name spacing, so you could use ns()
to make this more dynamic.
Thank you for the responses :) This reads far easier than the code I was looking at. Thank you so much!
going to close... please reopen if we missed anything. Thanks for using mapedit
Thanks for this package. The project looks amazing and will be a phenomenal help going forward. I am struggling a bit to get everything to work and I hope I may ask for help here.
So I want to get this functionality directly in Shiny:
what_we_created <- mapview() %>% editMap()
I essentially just want to be able to call up a leaflet map and allow a person to draw a spatial polygon and get the shiny application to save that information in the background.
I am able to get the package to work with this code on my server bit of my R code:
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#callModule creates a small module
CM_edit <- callModule(editMod, "test-edit", m, record = TRUE)
output$edited <- renderLeaflet({
However it is not the same as editMap() where you can hit "done" and get it to write to a df (I am also not sure if I am doing it entirely correct above). Is there some way to have this exact functionality in shiny?
Any other help and tips would be appreciated! I am finding the syntax a bit strange still.