At submit an issue, please attached the following information of your rgee session:
[TRUE] You have the Python API installed (from terminal):
[FALSE] You can find the credentials file on your system:
[FALSE] You can run a simple EE command from R:
python: /home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee/bin/python
libpython: /home/rstudio/.local/share/r-miniconda/lib/
pythonhome: /home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee:/home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee
version: 3.10.9 (main, Jan 11 2023, 15:21:40) [GCC 11.2.0]
numpy: /home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version: 1.24.2
ee: /home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ee
NOTE: Python version was forced by RETICULATE_PYTHON
I have used the docker image rocker/rstudio.
After this i have used the follow code.
ee_install(py_env = "rgee")
◉ Python version
✔ [Ok] /home/rstudio/.virtualenvs/rgee/bin/python v3.10
◉ Python packages:
✔ [Ok] numpy
✔ [Ok] earthengine-api
NOTE: The Earth Engine Python API version 0.1.349 is installed
correctly in the system but rgee was tested using the version
0.1.323. To avoid possible issues, we recommend install the
version used by rgee (0.1.323). You might use:
* rgee::ee_install_upgrade()
* reticulate::py_install('earthengine-api==0.1.323', envname='PUT_HERE_YOUR_PYENV')
* pip install earthengine-api==0.1.323 (Linux and Mac0S)
* conda install earthengine-api==0.1.323 (Linux, Mac0S, and Windows)
── rgee 1.1.5 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── earthengine-api 0.1.349 ──
✔ user: xxxxx
✔ Initializing Google Earth Engine:Fetching credentials using gcloud
Error: Exception: gcloud command not found. Please ensure that gcloud is installed.
More information:
At submit an issue, please attached the following information of your
session:[TRUE] You have the Python API installed (from terminal):
[FALSE] You can find the credentials file on your system:
[FALSE] You can run a simple EE command from R:
I have used the docker image rocker/rstudio.
After this i have used the follow code.
how can i solve this?