Open TianyaImpression opened 1 year ago
The code is as follows, the image resolution preview is correct, but the result of ee_print is wrong, why?
library(rgee) library(sf) # library(remotes) # install_github("r-spatial/rgee") # ee_reattach() # reattach ee as a reserved word ee_Initialize(drive = T) ee_roi <- read_sf("./ROI.gpkg", query = 'SELECT * FROM MongoliaTuLatest') %>% sf_as_ee() gimmsIC = ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GIMMS/3GV0")$ select('ndvi') modis = ee$ImageCollection("MODIS/061/MOD13A2")$ select('NDVI') #创建MODIS时间序列 startyear = 2001 endyear = 2021 startmonth = 1 endmonth= 12 startdate = ee$Date$fromYMD(startyear, startmonth, 1) enddate = ee$Date$fromYMD(endyear+1, endmonth, 1) years = ee$List$sequence(startyear, endyear) months = ee$List$sequence(startmonth,endmonth) Modis = modis$filterDate(startdate, enddate)$ sort('system:time_start', FALSE) #按时间对MODIS NDVI影像集排序 #MODIS 月度NDVI Modism = ee$ImageCollection$fromImages( years$map( ee_utils_pyfunc(function(y){ return( months$map( ee_utils_pyfunc(function(m){ w = Modis$filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(y, y, 'year'))$ filter(ee$Filter$calendarRange(m, m, 'month'))$ max()$ multiply(0.0001) return( w$set('year', y)$ set('month', m)$ set('system:time_start',ee$Date$fromYMD(y,m,1)$millis()) ) }) ) ) }) )$flatten() ) ee_print(Modism) modMAX1 = ee$Image(Modism$sort('system:time_start', FALSE)$toList(200)$get(100)) Map$centerObject(ee_roi) Map$addLayer( eeObject = modMAX1, visParams = ndviVis, "NDVI" )+ Map$addLayer(ee_roi)+ Map$addLegend(ndviVis)
The code is as follows, the image resolution preview is correct, but the result of ee_print is wrong, why?