Open wilson733 opened 1 year ago
I tried to to rename each image from sentinel 2 at format "YYYY-MM-dd". But the images dont change the format of the dates
library(pacman) p_load(rgee, reticulate, sf, sp, tidyverse, lubridate, DescTools) ee_Initialize(drive = T) archivo <- choose.files(caption = "Seleccione archivo a estandatizar (shp, gpkg)", multi = FALSE) file_name <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(archivo), '_AMBIENTADO_GCI.', tools::file_ext(archivo)) poligono<-st_read(archivo, crs= 32721, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) roi <-poligono %>% sf_as_ee() #Creamos una coleccion de imagenes collection_imag<- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED")$ filterBounds(roi)$ filter(ee$Filter$lt("CLOUD_COVERAGE_ASSESSMENT", 1)) #function to calculate satellite index func_gci <-function(image){ gci =image$expression( expression = 'NIR/GREEN-1', opt_map = list( 'NIR' = image$select('B8'), 'GREEN' = image$select('B3') ) ) return(image$addBands(gci$rename('GCI'))) } collection_gci<- collection_imag$map(func_gci)$ select("GCI")$map(function(image) { image$clip(roi) } ) rescale_rename <- function(image) { date <- ee$Date(image$get("system:time_start"))$format('YYYY_MM_dd') return(image$select('GCI')$rename(date)) } gci_rescaled <- collection_gci$map(rescale_rename) # Crear una grilla regular de 10 metros x 10 metros centrada en los polígonos grid <- poligono%>% st_make_grid(what = "centers", cellsize = c(250, 250))%>% st_intersection(poligono)%>% sf_as_ee() # Extraer los valores de la imagen apilada utilizando la grilla valores <- ee_extract(gci_rescaled, grid, sf = T, scale = 20)
I tried to to rename each image from sentinel 2 at format "YYYY-MM-dd". But the images dont change the format of the dates
What I Did