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Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes and Statistics
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Changes in deldir #127

Closed rsbivand closed 1 year ago

rsbivand commented 1 year ago

I am about to make some revisions to my deldir package, upon which your package depends in some manner. Before I submit the revised package to CRAN, I would appreciate it if you could check whether the revisions have any adverse impact upon your package.

You can obtain the revised version (1.0-8) of deldir from my web page: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~rolf/Deldir/index.html

Please test out the revised package and let me know of any problems that you encounter and any errors that you detect.

The revisions essentially amount to:

* the introduction of an argument "id" to deldir(), allowing
  the specification of a vector of identifiers or names for
  points.  This argument was added at the request of a user.

* the provision of a new function getNbrs(), which produces a
  list the Delaunay neighbours of each point.  The points
  of which neighbours are listed may be restricted to lie in
  a specified "interior" region, which may take the form of
  a rectangle (a subset of "rw", the rectangular window with
  respect to which the points are being triangulated/tessellated)
  or of a general polygon which is intersected with "rw".
  This function was added at the request of a user.

* output from getNbrs() is now present in the output of
  tileInfo(); print.tileInfo() has been adjusted accordingly,

The existence of the argument "id" implies that the identifiers of points need no longer be their (numeric) indices, and consequently the name of the argument "number" (should the numbers of the points be plotted?) of plot.deldir() and plot.tile.list() is no longer appropriate. This name has therefore been changed to "labelPts".

Likewise the argument "nex" of plot.deldir() (character expansion value for the numbers) has been renamed "lex" (character expansion value for the labels).

Similarly the name of the 4th entry of the "cmpnt_col" argument of plot.deldir() has been changed from "num" to "labels".

There is a possibility that the foregoing name changes could result in errors from your code that invokes code from deldir. Please check this out.

I intend to submit the new version of deldir to CRAN in about 10 days' time (say on or shortly after 15 May 2023). Could you please try to make sure that your package is compatible with the new version of deldir, letting me know if problems arise, by that date?