r-tmap / tmap

R package for thematic maps
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fill polygons with pattern instead of color #49

Open behrica opened 8 years ago

behrica commented 8 years ago

I would lik to make layers like this:


So patterns instead of colors. I believe this is currently not possible.

I can do those with plot(spdf, density = ...), but I did not manage to overlay this plot over the tmap layers. Is there a wy to do this ?

mtennekes commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your request! Let me guess, it's for a scientific journal that is only printed in black&white? @rlzijdeman asked this question before https://github.com/mtennekes/treemap/issues/8. My answer still applies: if someone can find out how this can be done with the grid package or one of its extensions, i.e. with grid.rect or grid.polygon, I can implement it in t(ree)map.

timelyportfolio commented 8 years ago

This describes one approach http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31342379/geom-bar-color-gradient-and-cross-hatches-using-gridsvg-transparency-issue. With svglite and rsvg, I could try to flesh this out, but will still be an indirect approach.

behrica commented 8 years ago

My use case is not black/white printing, but overlaying a polygon layer over a raster layer. One way to make it look nice could be to use pattern instead of color for the second (instead of using a semi-transparent overlay)

behrica commented 8 years ago

I will experiment by using the above plot (density = ....) and plot to a png file. That I could read in again to make a raster layer which could then be overlayed with the tmap.

If I get the plot resolution and projections right, this should work. I let you know.

This might be usefull in general. Before starting to use tmap, I was a bit concerned that I cannot easely overlay an arbitrary ggplot2 generated layer/plot with tmap. Just for the case that I want to add certain elements to the map whick are not foresean in tmap (ex. arbittray annotations/text). Not sure, if there could be something in tmap to help with this. So a type of integration of tmap with ggplot2.

behrica commented 8 years ago

I would like to create a map like this:


behrica commented 8 years ago

I agree that this ia a duplicate of the feature request: mtennekes/treemap#8.

behrica commented 8 years ago

I closed this by mistake.

I think this feature would be important for tmap as patterns are available in the base plot system, but not in tmap. If I want patterns, I needed to use base plot, which would be a pity.

Robinlovelace commented 8 years ago

Second that @behrica it will be very useful for my work also. The closest I've seen is this, but not sure how this could be implemented in tmaps's architecture:

How to do cross hatching using grid: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26110160/how-to-apply-cross-hatching-to-a-polygon-using-the-grid-graphical-system?lq=1

Cross hatching with spplot: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21677489/fill-geospatial-polygons-with-pattern-r

mtennekes commented 8 years ago

I think this can be done with the following approach:

For each level of some categorical variable (that determines the fill pattern):

  1. select polygons with that level, and call it SPDF_poly
  2. create a spatial lines/points dataframe SPDF_pat with the pattern of the same size as the bounding box of SPDF_poly
  3. use rgeos::gIntersection to determine the intersection of SPDF_poly and SPDF_pat.

This procedure alone doesn't take much time to implement, but it takes some time to do the overhead. To-do list:

I'm short on time, and hope to submit the current version to CRAN soon. Any help is welcome of course.

Robinlovelace commented 8 years ago

This sounds like a plan! Unfortunately short on time also but hope to chip in energy. 1st step if one were to contribute would be to see tmap's source code for the tm_ functions I guess. Right?

mtennekes commented 8 years ago

Yep (see https://github.com/mtennekes/tmap/blob/master/pkg/R/tm_layers.R), and accordingly, think about what parameters you want to specify.

Another easy stand-alone step for contributors would be to create predefined pattern rectangles. It would be a function, say create_patterns that takes three arguments: pattern type, scale, and aspect ratio.

mtennekes commented 8 years ago

We'd better start a new branch, say pattern, for this project.

mcSamuelDataSci commented 6 years ago

Just checking to see if there was any movement on this? I would love to have this functionality in tmap so that I could lay a light pattern on top of, say, counties, where the rates are, say, high, but the measure is unstable. Like was done here, for example:


mtennekes commented 6 years ago

To be honest, it has a low priority for me (compared to the other feature requests). If someone has time to work on the implementation, I'll be happy to help.

My comment above (https://github.com/mtennekes/tmap/issues/49#issuecomment-190596234) is a little outdated, since the introduction of sf and tmap 2.0. One of the main questions is still: how to draw (sf) polygons with a pattern, also in view mode.

Robinlovelace commented 6 years ago

I think a view mode implementation would be harder and less useful so a starter could be on just a plot mode implementation. Wish I had time, a fun mini-project.

mcSamuelDataSci commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response. I am pretty sure I don't have the skill to help with this, and have bandwidth issues, but if anything comes up where there is a specific way I can help, please let me know.

SwampThingPaul commented 6 years ago

A workaround, for the time being, might be HatchedPolygons. You ultimately make a separate shapefile with just lines.

cal.gono #spatial polygon data frame;

mcSamuelDataSci commented 6 years ago

Hi SwampThingPaul-

Anything obvious that I am doing wrong. My "map.1" is a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" and works fine with plot or tmap, etc.

If I use your code as suggested, just to get started, I get the error message below:


Error in apply(lines.hatch, 1, function(x) Line(cbind(c(x[1], x[3]), c(x[2], : dim(X) must have a positive length

Any suggestions?


zross commented 5 years ago

tmap is one of my favorite packages! @mcSamuelDataSci are looking into tackling this issue. @mtennekes you mention that this comment is outdated given sf and updates in tmap. I know it's a lot to ask since you indicated this is a relatively low priority for you, but any chance you'd be willing to share your thoughts on the best way to approach this given the current state of tmap. A few bullet points perhaps -- like the previous (but outdated) comment?

mtennekes commented 5 years ago

Sure. I think these are the tasks:

  1. Cast an sf polygon object (sfc_MULTIPOLYGON), say shp, to an sf pattern object. This object, say patt, should be an sfc_MULTILINESTRING. One approach to do this might be: a. Create a predefined dictionary of patterns. Each pattern is a stackable tile. (Later, we can allow users to specify their own patterns.) b. Write a function that generates a pattern rectangle (using the tiles from the dictionary) of the same size as the boundig box of shp. Let's call this object rect. (We could also skip step 1a and draw rect from scratch, but then it might be more difficult to allow custom patterns.) c. patt <- sf::st_intersection(rect, shp)
  2. Embed it in tmap. This is a mainly a matter of administration, which I can do.
zross commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure what you're referring to with "stackable tile". Putting a few of your suggestions into actual code. Here I'm using st_make_grid() which would not allow flexibility in hatching type.

nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
some_counties <- dplyr::filter(nc, substring(NAME, 1, 1) %in% c("A", "B"))
gridvals <- sf::st_make_grid(some_counties, n = c(30, 30)) %>% 
res <- sf::st_intersection(some_counties, gridvals)

tm_shape(nc) + 

Note 2020-02-06: I got a report that the code above was no longer working. This is due to the intersection creating some GEOMETRYCOLLECTION geometries with points in them. The plot() function can handle this but not tmap apparently (?). So here I'm editing the GEOMETRYCOLLECTION pieces to drop any POINT geometry. Must be an easier way than this but...

nc = st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
some_counties <- dplyr::filter(nc, substring(NAME, 1, 1) %in% c("A", "B"))
gridvals <- sf::st_make_grid(some_counties, n = c(30, 30)) %>% 
res <- sf::st_intersection(some_counties, gridvals)

cleangeom <- map(res$geometry, function(geom){

  # if it's a geometrycollection break it down
  if(st_geometry_type(geom) == "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION"){

    geom <- purrr::map(geom, function(x){
      # if a piece of the geometrycollection is not a line then drop it
      if(!st_geometry_type(x) %in% c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")) return(NULL)
    }) %>% 
      purrr::keep(~!is.null(.)) %>% # drop nulls

}) %>% 

res$geometry <- cleangeom

tm_shape(nc) + 


mcSamuelDataSci commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this? Sure looks promising!

mtennekes commented 5 years ago

That's a good direction. Instead of st_make_grid, we want to have more options. So what I was thinking with stackable tile was a tile like image

mtennekes commented 5 years ago

To clarify: patt is a tile which is an sf object consisting of spatial lines (in the images above, the white lines). The object rect is an sf object that consists of patt objects that are stacked horizontally and vertically such that rect is a large canvas consisting of lines that has the same bounding box as shp.

Note that we do not have to do it this way: like I wrote, we could also create rect from scratch. The advantage of tile is, I think, that it is easier to create new patterns. Otherwise we would have to create a function like st_make_grid for each pattern.

Hope it's clear now. If not, please ask, preferable within this github issue.

zross commented 5 years ago

I'm guessing you had something far, far simpler in mind. I'm not sure how you were envisioning creating the herringbone (or related patterns).

The code below does such a thing, but you can see that there are some gymnastics!

In any case, once projections are addressed, these could be the basis for the two patt objects you describe.

create_line <- function(starting_value, ending_value, segment_length, gap_length, starting_place, horizontal = TRUE){

  total_length <- segment_length + gap_length
  n_rep <- ceiling(abs(starting_value - ending_value)/total_length)

    vals <- starting_value + c(0, cumsum(rep(c(segment_length, gap_length), n_rep)))
  } else{
    vals <- starting_value - c(0, cumsum(rep(c(segment_length, gap_length), n_rep)))

  l <- length(vals)
  if(l%%2 != 0) vals <- vals[-length(vals)]
  vals <- matrix(vals, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  purrr::map(1:nrow(vals), function(i){
      st_linestring(rbind(c(vals[i, 1], starting_place), c(vals[i,2], starting_place)))
      st_linestring(rbind(c(starting_place, vals[i, 1]), c(starting_place, vals[i,2])))


create_line(0, 30, 3, 1, 0, TRUE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE)
create_line(1, 30, 3, 1, -1, TRUE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
create_line(2, 30, 3, 1, -2, TRUE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
create_line(-1, -30, 3, 1, 1, FALSE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
create_line(2, -30, 3, 1, 2, FALSE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
create_line(5, -30, 3, 1, 3, FALSE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
create_line(8, -30, 3, 1, 4, FALSE)%>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)

hori <- map2(0:40, 0:-40, function(x,y){
  create_line(x, 50, 3, 1, y, TRUE)
}) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE) 
hori %>% st_multilinestring() %>% plot(axes = TRUE)

tmp <- seq(-40, 50, by = 3)
vert <- map2(tmp, 1:length(tmp), function(x,y){
  create_line(x, -30, 3, 1, y, FALSE)
}) %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE) 

fin <- st_multilinestring(c(hori, vert)) 
poly <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(15,0), c(30,0), c(30, -10), c(15, -10), c(15,0))))
herringbone <- st_intersection(fin, poly)
poly_line <- st_multilinestring(poly)
fin <- st_multilinestring(c(herringbone, poly_line))

rot = function(a) matrix(c(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)), 2, 2)
fin_rot <- fin %>% st_geometry()
fin_rot <- fin_rot*rot(0.75)



mtennekes commented 5 years ago

That's definitely the right direction! Building on your ideas, what I have in mind is:

# This function creates a line starting from (x, y) at angle (angle).
# dash_pattern is a numeric vector that specifies the dashing pattern. E.g. c(300, 100) 
# means that the first line segment is 300 units, than a gap of 100 units. 
# This pattern is repeated.
# The line should start at either the top or the left edge of the bounding box; 
# in other words, either x = 0 or y = 0.
# The bounding box bbox is needed to determine when the line ends,
# and to crop the line.
create_line <- function(bbox, x, y, angle, dash_pattern) {
# This function creates a herringbone.
create_herringbone <- function(bbox, size) {
    # Iterate over the x-axis with stepsize (size * sqrt(2)). For each iteration, 
    # use create_line. Since the lines have 45 degree angle, 
    # you'll need to start at a negative x value. 
    # dash_pattern is alternating between  c(size * 3, size) and  c(size, size, size * 2)
    # Likewise, iterate over the y-axis.
    # Here the dash_pattern is always c(size * 3, size)

Not sure you fully understand it. It's hard to explain without having good-old pencil and paper...

Feel free to use your own approach. The goal should be a master function create_pattern <- function(bbox, size, type) that creates some pattern inside a bounding box. As described in my previous posts, we can use st_intersection to create patterns polygon-wise.

zross commented 5 years ago

@mtennekes I'm slowly working on this. Below is a create_line() function. I'm working on herringbone.

Coincidentally as I was working on herringbone just now, I was listening to this song in which they say "Ohhhhhh…That suit’s pure herringbone" :)

seq_alt <- function(x, y, j, z){
  if(j >= y) {return(x)}else{
    s1 <- seq(x, y, j+z)
    s2 <- seq(x+j, y, j+z)
    return(sort(c(s1, s2)))

create_line <- function(bbox, x, y, angle, dash_pattern  = c(0.3, 0.1)) {

  # x and y dist to point on eastern edge
  xdist_e <- bbox['xmax']-x
  ydist_e <- xdist_e * tan(angle * pi/180)

  # x and y dist to point on western edge
  xdist_w <- x - bbox['xmin']
  ydist_w <- xdist_w/tan(angle * pi/180)

  target_pt_east <- st_point(c(bbox['xmax'], y + ydist_e))
  target_pt_west <- st_point(c(bbox['xmin'], y - ydist_w))

  ls <- st_linestring(c(target_pt_west, target_pt_east)) %>% 
  ls <- st_crop(ls, bbox)

  seqvals <- seq_alt(0, 1, dash_pattern[1], dash_pattern[2])

  if(length(seqvals)%%2 == 1 & !1%in%seqvals) seqvals <- c(seqvals, 1)
  if(length(seqvals)%%2 == 1 & 1%in%seqvals) seqvals <- seqvals[seqvals!=1]

  multipoint <- st_line_sample(ls, sample = c(seqvals))

  point <- multipoint %>% 

  ls_with_breaks <- point %>% 
    mutate(id = rep(1:(length(point)/2), each = 2)) %>% 
    group_by(id) %>% 
    summarise(m = mean(id)) %>% 
    st_cast("LINESTRING") %>% 


# Example
box1 <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0,0), c(0,1), c(1,1), c(1,0), c(0,0))))
bbox1 <- st_bbox(box1)
my_line <- create_line(bbox1, 0.5, 0.5, 100)
plot(my_line, add = TRUE, col = "red")


my_line <- create_line(bbox1, 0.5, 0.5, 30, dash_pattern = c(0.1, 0.1))
plot(my_line, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd = 2)


zross commented 5 years ago

I must be making this drastically more complex than it needs to be. I'm having trouble with the create_pattern() function and getting the herringbone to work. I'm still working but here is the create line at the moment.

create_line <- function(bbox, x = bbox['xmin'], y = bbox['ymin'], angle = 45, dash_pattern  = c(0.3, 0.1)) {

  if(any(dash_pattern > 1 | dash_pattern < 0)) 
    stop("dash_pattern requires a vector of length 2 and both values need to be between 0 and 1")

  if(!(angle >= 0 & angle <= 360))
    stop("angle must be between 0 and 360 (inclusive)")

  if(angle == 0)
    angle <- 360

  if(x == 1.3){
  thecrs <- st_crs(bbox)

  xmax <- bbox['xmax']
  xmin <- bbox['xmin']
  xdist_tot <- abs(xmax-xmin)
  dash_pattern_rel <- dash_pattern * xdist_tot


  # x and y dist to point on eastern edge
  xdist_e <- xmax- x
  ydist_e <- xdist_e * tan(angle * pi/180)

  # x and y dist to point on western edge
  xdist_w <- x - xmin
  ydist_w <- xdist_w/tan(angle * pi/180)
  target_pt_east <- sf::st_point(c(round(xmax, 5), round(y + ydist_e, 5)))
  target_pt_west <- sf::st_point(c(x,y))

  xdist_e <- x-xmin
  ydist_e <- abs(xdist_e * tan(angle * pi/180))

  # x and y dist to point on western edge
  xdist_w <- xmax - x
  ydist_w <- abs(xdist_w/tan(angle * pi/180))
  target_pt_east <- sf::st_point(c(round(xmin, 5), round(y + ydist_e, 5)))
  target_pt_west <- sf::st_point(c(x,y))


  ls <- sf::st_linestring(c(target_pt_west, target_pt_east)) %>% 
    sf::st_sfc(crs = thecrs)
  ls <- sf::st_crop(ls, st_as_sfc(bbox))

  if(!"sfc_LINESTRING" %in% class(ls)) 
    #stop("The x, y and angle combination will produce a line outside the bounding box")

  length_ls <- st_length(ls)

  seqvals <- seq_alt(0, length_ls, dash_pattern_rel[1], dash_pattern_rel[2])/length_ls

  if(length(seqvals)%%2 == 1 & !1%in%seqvals) seqvals <- c(seqvals, 1)
  if(length(seqvals)%%2 == 1 & 1%in%seqvals) seqvals <- seqvals[seqvals!=1]

  multipoint <- sf::st_line_sample(ls, sample = c(seqvals))

  point <- multipoint %>% 

  ls_with_breaks <- point %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(id = rep(1:(length(point)/2), each = 2)) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(id) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(m = mean(id)) %>% 
    sf::st_cast("LINESTRING") %>% 

  ls_with_breaks %>% 

# An example
size <- 0.2
box1 <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0,0), c(0,2), c(2,2), c(2,0), c(0,0))))
bbox1 <- st_bbox(box1)

cosval <- cos(45 * pi/180) * 2* size
sinval <- sin(45 * pi/180) * 2* size

maxvals <- bbox1[['xmax']]/size
xvals <- -10:maxvals * size
xvals[seq(2, length(xvals), by = 2)] <- xvals[seq(2, length(xvals), by = 2)] + cosval

yvals <- rep(c(0, sinval), length.out = length(xvals))

lines1 <- purrr::map2(xvals, yvals, function(x, y){
  create_line(bbox1, x = x, y = y, angle = 45)

lines1 <- purrr::keep(lines1, function(x) !is.null(x))
lines1 <- purrr::reduce(lines1, rbind)

plot(lines1, add = TRUE)


Nowosad commented 5 years ago

There is a new hacky solution using @coolbutuseless packages:

# # install.packages("devtools")
# install_github("coolbutuseless/poissoned")           # Generate points via poisson disk sampling
# install_github("coolbutuseless/svgpatternsimple")    # This package
# devtools::install_github("coolbutuseless/lofi")      # Colour encoding
# devtools::install_github("coolbutuseless/minisvg")   # SVG creation
# devtools::install_github("coolbutuseless/devout")    # Device interface
# devtools::install_github("coolbutuseless/devoutsvg") # This package

f = svgpatternsimple::encode_pattern_params_as_hex_colour

colours = c(
  A = f(pattern_name = 'hatch' , spacing =  7, fill_fraction = 0.2, angle = 45),
  B = f(pattern_name = 'dot'   , spacing =  4, fill_fraction = 0.8, angle = 0),
  C = f(pattern_name = 'hex'   , spacing =  8, fill_fraction = 0.7)

data(World, metro, rivers)
World$cat = as.factor(sample(1:3, size = nrow(World), replace = TRUE))

svgout(filename = "example.svg", pattern_pkg = 'svgpatternsimple')
tm_shape(World) +
  tm_polygons("cat", style = "cat", palette = colours)

svg_image = image_read_svg("example.svg", width = 850)
image_write(svg_image, path = "example.png", format = "png")


Nowosad commented 4 years ago

Another approach could be inspired by the patternLayer function (see a nice blog post by @dieghernan at https://dieghernan.github.io/201912-Beautiful3/).

dieghernan commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nowosad , I have just created a PR to include hatchedLayer (Renaming of patternLayer on cartography (See https://github.com/riatelab/cartography/issues/57#issue-556054704).


Nowosad commented 4 years ago

Great work @dieghernan! It would be nice to extend it for tmap.

tim-salabim commented 4 years ago

This may be relevant for a tmap (grid-based) solution:


This is apparently not depending on devoutsvg

dieghernan commented 4 years ago

Hi @Nowosad , I have just created a PR to include hatchedLayer (Renaming of patternLayer on cartography (See riatelab/cartography#57 (comment)).


Just a quick reminder, the new version of cartography including this capability is already available on CRAN. Happy to help in a future implementation on tmap.

Nowosad commented 4 years ago

@dieghernan it would be great to have that feature in tmap!

mtennekes commented 4 years ago

Great work @dieghernan! An example with tmap:



patterns <- c("diamond","grid","hexagon","horizontal", "vertical",

Continent_sfc <- do.call(c, lapply(1:nlevels(World$continent), function(i) {
    World %>% 
        filter(continent == levels(World$continent)[i]) %>% 
        hatchedLayer(mode = "sfc", pattern = patterns[i], density = 1)

Continent_patterns <- st_sf(geometry = Continent_sfc, 
    continent = levels(World$continent))

tm_shape(World) +
    tm_fill("continent") +
tm_shape(Continent_patterns) +
    tm_lines(col = "grey50") +
tm_shape(World) +
    tm_borders(col = "black")

Created on 2020-05-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9001)

It also works well in view mode.

This definitely goes in the right direction, but we'll need some effort for a good implementation into tmap.

General functionality:


mcSamuelDataSci commented 4 years ago

Just chiming in that this is great, and very helpful. Thank you all. Michael

On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 3:15 AM mtennekes notifications@github.com wrote:

Great work @dieghernan https://github.com/dieghernan! An example with tmap:

library(tmap) library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(cartography)

data(World) patterns <- c("diamond","grid","hexagon","horizontal", "vertical", "zigzag","left2right","right2left","circle") Continent_sfc <- do.call(c, lapply(1:nlevels(World$continent), function(i) { World %>% filter(continent == levels(World$continent)[i]) %>% hatchedLayer(mode = "sfc", pattern = patterns[i], density = 1) })) Continent_patterns <- st_sf(geometry = Continent_sfc, continent = levels(World$continent))

tm_shape(World) + tm_fill("continent") + tm_shape(Continent_patterns) + tm_lines(col = "grey50") + tm_shape(World) + tm_borders(col = "black")


Created on 2020-05-04 by the reprex package https://reprex.tidyverse.org (v0.3.0.9001)

It also works well in view mode.

This definitely goes in the right direction, but we'll need some effort for a good implementation into tmap.

General functionality:

  • I noticed that some patterns are more dense than others (e.g. diagonal lines are denser than horizontal/vertical ones). From a methodological point of view, patterns should be perceived approximately equally dense.
  • How hard is it for co-developers to implement new patterns? E.g., the one that @zross https://github.com/zross made (see above)?


  • I am not a big fan of putting cartography into the imports list of tmap, because tmap is already bulky, and cartography will add other packages (including sp and raster). So ideally, we would have to migrate hatchedLayer (or the part of that function that is responsible for the patterns) to another, low-level package. Alternatively, cartography can be placed into the suggestions list of tmap, which means that a user who decides to use patterns is required to have cartography installed.
  • Most implementation work, apart from the two issues mentioned above, will be on my side, since it is it nothing more than fitting it into the tmap pipeline. A challenge will be the legend (which will only work in plot mode), since the legend rectangles are not sf objects. There will be some sort of implementation trick to do this.
  • I think we need to add the following arguments to tm_fill:
    • pattern. The new aesthetic (out of the existing aesthetics, it will be most similar to shape from tm_symbols, albeit a little simpler, since shape can also take glpyhs)
    • patterns. The 'palette' of patterns. Default could be as defined in the example above. The name could be confusing. Alternatively, we could name it pattern.palette. However, tm_symbols also has shape and shapes...
    • pattern.density. Similar to density from hatchedLayer.
    • The standard legend control parameters legend.pattern.show etc.

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pinkstonax commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the tmap implementation, @mtennekes . Is there a way to add pattern boxes to the legend? -Amanda

fmegahed commented 3 years ago

@mtennekes, a potentially nice feature to add to the above requests is to have a fill/pattern for the NA. This would be useful in black and white figures where you can use a pattern to clearly differentiate the NA if the grayscale is suitable for filling the geolocations.

Nowosad commented 3 years ago

Maybe this could be useful here - https://coolbutuseless.github.io/2021/07/01/r-v4.1.0-grid-graphics-new-feature-patterns/.

hmeeks commented 2 years ago

@mtennekes: another potentially nice feature to add is to have a pattern for negative/positive values. This would be useful in black and white figures (if PI don't want to pay for color in journal).

Thank you!