r-tmap / tmap

R package for thematic maps
GNU General Public License v3.0
868 stars 121 forks source link

tm_basemap: small issues #603

Closed mtennekes closed 1 year ago

mtennekes commented 3 years ago

tm_basemap is working in plot mode, Thanks to the maptiles package @rCarto



(taken from https://github.com/r-tmap/tmap/blob/v4/tests/testing_aux_layers.Rmd)

A few minor issues:

prov_maptiles = names(maptiles:::maptiles_providers)
prov_leaflet = names(leaflet::providers)

# providers in leaflet which are not supported by maptiles
setdiff(prov_leaflet, prov_maptiles)
#>   [1] "OpenStreetMap.Mapnik"               
#>   [2] "OpenStreetMap.CH"                   
#>   [3] "OpenStreetMap.BZH"                  
#>   [4] "OpenSeaMap"                         
#>   [5] "OpenPtMap"                          
#>   [6] "OpenRailwayMap"                     
#>   [7] "OpenFireMap"                        
#>   [8] "SafeCast"                           
#>   [9] "Thunderforest"                      
#>  [10] "OpenMapSurfer"                      
#> ... 
#> [120] "OneMapSG.LandLot"

# providers in maptiles which are not supported by leaflet
setdiff(prov_maptiles, prov_leaflet)
#> [1] "OpenStreetMap.MapnikBW" "OpenStreetMap.NoLabels"

What do we do with these (to have consistency between plot and view mode)?

tm_basemap also works when the main shape is projected. In that case, the SpatRaster is projected to one that is twice as large (in order to make sure it remains as sharp as possible with method = "near"):

tm_shape(NLD_prov) +
    tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +


tm_shape(NLD_prov, crs = 4326) +
    tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +


rCarto commented 3 years ago

Hi @mtennekes , That's nice to see maptiles used in tmap! A few comments on these issues :

# a bit small
plot_tiles(nc_osm, adjust = TRUE)

nc_osm <- get_tiles(nc, zoom = 8)
# not sharp
plot_tiles(nc_osm, adjust = FALSE)

# cut
plot_tiles(nc_osm, adjust = TRUE)

Created on 2021-10-20 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

natereal commented 2 years ago

tm_basemap() is not working for me in plot mode; is it meant to be working or is it for v4?

It just produces a blank white plot.

tm_shape(NLD_prov) +
  tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +


Nowosad commented 2 years ago

See the last example at https://r-tmap.github.io/tmap-book/layers.html#tile on how to add a tile map in the plot mode.

natereal commented 2 years ago

Thank you for that. I have already seen that example and was wondering if the example in this thread would work.

I suppose there is no difference between the methods, but the resolution on that example isn't great, the text appears very blurry, and increasing the zoom level argument makes all the text smaller. If a similar method to the adjust argument in maptiles::plot_tiles() could be used in tm_rgb / tm_basemap, that would be very useful as the quality on the output of plot_tiles is much better

mtennekes commented 2 years ago

The adjust argument of maptiles::plot_tiles() does nothing directly to improve the sharpness. It only makes sure that the tiles are plotted in native resolution (so 1 cell is 1 pixel).

For tmap, this would mean that the overall plot would have a different size and layout, which also depends on the used graphics device.

r-poloni commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, thank you first of all for this great package that works just like a traditional gis program, adding multiple layers! My only point is that...I cannot figure out how you use tm_basemap with plotting. Yo usay it's supported, but can you provide an example os use? When I try a very simple one like: basem <- tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap")+ tm_shape(pnts_sf, bbox=ext)+ tm_dots()

I get an empty white map with only dots.

I also tried to download maps using maptiler, and then using them as basemaps, and this works. But in this case is like downloading a tile independently and then using it inside tmap. Another problem I have is that stamen maps, that I've always uses, in maptiler package are downloaded at a very low resolution, which is just too low for producing any illustration. Do you have a cue on this?

Nowosad commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce the issue using available data:

#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.1, GDAL 3.6.4, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

# works
tm_shape(nz_height) +
        tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +
#> Loading required namespace: maptiles

# also works
tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +
        tm_shape(nz_height) +

# also works
tm_shape(nz_height, bbox = st_bbox(nz_height)) +
        tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +

Created on 2023-09-16 with reprex v2.0.2

r-poloni commented 1 year ago

I couldn't figure why, I tried to run exactly your same code but in my case also the example code is always giving me a blank map with points. The version is 3.3-4, so it should be the good one. I don't know why...

> library(spData) To access larger datasets in this package, install the spDataLarge package with: install.packages('spDataLarge', repos='https://nowosad.github.io/drat/', type='source')`

library(sf) Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.2, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE library(tmap) tm_basemap("OpenStreetMap") +

  • tm_shape(nz_height) +
  • tm_dots()`
Nowosad commented 1 year ago

Hi @r-poloni -- I am using version 4 -- the current development version of Github (this feature was not available in the previous version)

r-poloni commented 1 year ago

Hi Jakob! Thank you again for the answer. Damn...I completely overlooked that thing. It's not marked that the development is v.4 so I kind of thought that it was actually v. 3.3-4. Apologies for increasing universe's entropy!

Nowosad commented 1 year ago

No problem.

rCarto commented 11 months ago

Hello @mtennekes , The processed basemaps are cached now in maptiles (Gihub version).


#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.1, GDAL 3.6.2, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
map1 <- get_tiles(nc, zoom = 9, provider = "CartoDB.Voyager",
                  cachedir = "/home/tim/cache", crop = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/136/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_136_200.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/137/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_137_200.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/138/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_138_200.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/139/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_139_200.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/140/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_140_200.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/141/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_141_200.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/142/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_142_200.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/143/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_143_200.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/144/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_144_200.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/145/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_145_200.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/146/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_146_200.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/147/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_147_200.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/148/200.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_148_200.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/136/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_136_201.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/137/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_137_201.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/138/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_138_201.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/139/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_139_201.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/140/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_140_201.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/141/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_141_201.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/142/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_142_201.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/143/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_143_201.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/144/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_144_201.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/145/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_145_201.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/146/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_146_201.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/147/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_147_201.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/148/201.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_148_201.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/136/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_136_202.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/137/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_137_202.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/138/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_138_202.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/139/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_139_202.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/140/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_140_202.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/141/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_141_202.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/142/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_142_202.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/143/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_143_202.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/144/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_144_202.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/145/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_145_202.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/146/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_146_202.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/147/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_147_202.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/148/202.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_148_202.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/136/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_136_203.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/137/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_137_203.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/138/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_138_203.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/139/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_139_203.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/140/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_140_203.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/141/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_141_203.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/142/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_142_203.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/143/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_143_203.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/144/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_144_203.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/145/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_145_203.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/146/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_146_203.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/147/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_147_203.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/148/203.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_148_203.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/136/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_136_204.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/137/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_137_204.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/138/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_138_204.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/139/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_139_204.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/140/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_140_204.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/141/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_141_204.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/142/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_142_204.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/143/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_143_204.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/144/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_144_204.png
#> https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/145/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_145_204.png
#> https://c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/146/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_146_204.png
#> https://d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/147/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_147_204.png
#> https://b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/9/148/204.png => /home/tim/cache/CartoV/CartoV_9_148_204.png
#> Zoom:9
#> Data and map tiles sources:
#> © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO
#> 4.11 sec elapsed
map2 <- get_tiles(nc, zoom = 9, provider = "CartoDB.Voyager",
                  cachedir = "/home/tim/cache", crop = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> Zoom:9
#> Data and map tiles sources:
#> © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO
#> 2.562 sec elapsed


#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.1, GDAL 3.6.2, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"), quiet = TRUE)
map1 <- get_tiles(nc, zoom = 9, provider = "CartoDB.Voyager",
                  cachedir = "/home/tim/cache", crop = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> Zoom: 9
#> Source(s): © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO
#> Cache directory: /home/tim/cache/CartoV
#> 65 tiles
#> 3.963 sec elapsed
map2 <- get_tiles(nc, zoom = 9, provider = "CartoDB.Voyager",
                  cachedir = "/home/tim/cache", crop = TRUE, 
                  verbose = TRUE)
#> Zoom: 9
#> Source(s): © OpenStreetMap contributors © CARTO
#> Cache directory: /home/tim/cache/CartoV
#> The resulting raster is a previously cached raster.
#> 0.022 sec elapsed

Created on 2023-12-19 with reprex v2.0.2