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Missing dependency on `m4` #287

Open Shoeboxam opened 10 months ago

Shoeboxam commented 10 months ago

Is there any advice for how I should approach resolving a missing system dependency on R-Universe? I have a dependency that requires GNU m4 to be installed on the Windows image. Am I expected to try to do my own vendored install within Makevars?

Failing workflow: https://github.com/r-universe/opendp/actions/runs/5918601735/job/16055386395

In my usual CI, I'm able to prepare Windows binaries when just adding this one dependency: https://github.com/opendp/opendp/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml#L54-L58

Thank you!

jeroen commented 10 months ago

We use the build environment from rtools43, just like cran. Do you need m4 to build the r package?

Shoeboxam commented 10 months ago

Right, I need m4 to build the R package, unfortunately. I assume you'd rather not deviate from CRAN's environment. Is it possible to try to install it as part of the configure or Makevars script?

Otherwise, it seems like I would need to avoid R-universe until I can cut the dependency out.

jeroen commented 10 months ago

On r-universe, the R source package gets built on Linux. Can you do the autoconf step when building the source package, such that you dont need m4 on Windows?

jeroen commented 10 months ago

Ill help you with your use case when im back from vacation next week.

Shoeboxam commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure if I can do the autoconf step when building sources, because the m4 dependency itself comes from another dependency. I think I'd have to find a way to patch the build process for that dependency. I unfortunately will be delayed from looking at this, as I'm traveling for ~4 weeks. Sorry for the slow action! I hope your vacation went well!