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`api/packages`: `_winbinary` field is "success" even though one of the builds for windows fails #400

Closed pawelru closed 2 months ago

pawelru commented 2 months ago

Example: https://pharmaverse.r-universe.dev/api/packages/formatters

The content is dynamic so I copied over the content below.

Long file! ``` { "Package": "formatters", "Title": "ASCII Formatting for Values and Tables", "Version": "", "Date": "2024-04-29", "Authors@R": "c(\nperson(\"Gabriel\", \"Becker\", , \"gabembecker@gmail.com\", role = \"aut\",\ncomment = \"original creator of the package\"),\nperson(\"Adrian\", \"Waddell\", , \"adrian.waddell@gene.com\", role = \"aut\"),\nperson(\"Davide\", \"Garolini\", , \"davide.garolini@roche.com\", role = \"ctb\"),\nperson(\"Emily\", \"de la Rua\", , \"emily.de_la_rua@contractors.roche.com\", role = \"ctb\"),\nperson(\"Abinaya\", \"Yogasekaram\", , \"abinaya.yogasekaram@contractors.roche.com\", role = \"ctb\"),\nperson(\"Joe\", \"Zhu\", , \"joe.zhu@roche.com\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cre\")),\nperson(\"F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n)", "Description": "We provide a framework for rendering complex tables to\nASCII, and a set of formatters for transforming values or sets\nof values into ASCII-ready display strings.", "License": "Apache License 2.0", "URL": "https://insightsengineering.github.io/formatters/,\nhttps://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters/", "BugReports": "https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters/issues", "VignetteBuilder": "knitr", "Config/Needs/verdepcheck": "mllg/checkmate, rstudio/htmltools,\ntidyverse/dplyr, rstudio/gt, hughjonesd/huxtable, yihui/knitr,\nr-lib/lifecycle, Merck/r2rtf, rstudio/rmarkdown,\ngagolews/stringi, r-lib/testthat, r-lib/withr", "Config/Needs/website": "insightsengineering/nesttemplate", "Encoding": "UTF-8", "Language": "en-US", "LazyData": "true", "Roxygen": "list(markdown = TRUE)", "RoxygenNote": "7.3.1", "Collate": "'data.R' 'format_value.R' 'matrix_form.R' 'generics.R'\n'labels.R' 'mpf_exporters.R' 'package.R' 'page_size.R'\n'pagination.R' 'tostring.R' 'utils.R' 'zzz.R'", "Repository": "https://pharmaverse.r-universe.dev", "RemoteUrl": "https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters", "RemoteRef": "HEAD", "RemoteSha": "b0c6942f45f747c29c1c9a05f275d1bad4daf6c2", "NeedsCompilation": "no", "Packaged": { "Date": "2024-04-29 17:19:36 UTC", "User": "root" }, "Author": "Gabriel Becker [aut] (original creator of the package),\nAdrian Waddell [aut],\nDavide Garolini [ctb],\nEmily de la Rua [ctb],\nAbinaya Yogasekaram [ctb],\nJoe Zhu [ctb, cre],\nF. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]", "Maintainer": "Joe Zhu ", "MD5sum": "c4c83b9df64c8f1feafcfc817c8713a8", "_user": "pharmaverse", "_type": "src", "_file": "formatters_0.5.6.9003.tar.gz", "_fileid": "c4c83b9df64c8f1feafcfc817c8713a8", "_filesize": 4534921, "_created": "2024-04-29T17:19:36.000Z", "_published": "2024-04-29T19:08:18.038Z", "_upstream": "https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters", "_commit": { "id": "b0c6942f45f747c29c1c9a05f275d1bad4daf6c2", "author": "cicdguy ", "committer": "github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>", "message": "[skip actions] Bump version to\n", "time": 1714409206 }, "_maintainer": { "name": "Joe Zhu", "email": "joe.zhu@roche.com", "login": "shajoezhu" }, "_distro": "noble", "_host": "GitHub-Actions", "_status": "success", "_pkgdocs": "skipped", "_winbinary": "success", "_macbinary": "success", "_wasmbinary": "success", "_buildurl": "https://github.com/r-universe/pharmaverse/actions/runs/8882670125", "_registered": 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"prov_footer<-", "prov_footer<-,MatrixPrintForm-method", "subtitles", "subtitles,MatrixPrintForm-method", "subtitles<-", "subtitles<-,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "make_row_df", "title": "Make row layout summary data frames for use during pagination", "topics": [ "make_row_df", "make_row_df,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "matrix_form", "title": "Transform 'rtable' to a list of matrices which can be used for outputting", "topics": [ "matrix_form", "matrix_form,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "MatrixPrintForm", "title": "Constructor for Matrix Print Form", "topics": [ "MatrixPrintForm" ] }, { "page": "MatrixPrintForm_class", "title": "Class for Matrix Print Form", "topics": [ "MatrixPrintForm-class" ] }, { "page": "mpf_accessors", "title": "Getters and setters for aspects of 'MatrixPrintForm' objects", "topics": [ "mf_aligns", "mf_aligns<-", "mf_cinfo", "mf_cinfo<-", "mf_colgap", "mf_colgap<-", "mf_display", "mf_display<-", "mf_formats", "mf_formats<-", "mf_has_rlabels", "mf_has_topleft", "mf_lgrouping", "mf_lgrouping<-", "mf_ncol", "mf_ncol<-", "mf_nlheader", "mf_nrheader", "mf_nrheader<-", "mf_nrow", "mf_rfnotes", "mf_rfnotes<-", "mf_rinfo", "mf_rinfo<-", "mf_spans", "mf_spans<-", "mf_strings", "mf_strings<-", "mpf_has_rlabels", "ncol,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "mpf_to_rtf", "title": "Transform 'MatrixPrintForm' to RTF", "topics": [ "mpf_to_rtf" ] }, { "page": "nlines", "title": "Number of lines required to print a value", "topics": [ "nlines", "nlines,character-method", "nlines,list-method", "nlines,NULL-method" ] }, { "page": "num_rep_cols", "title": "Number of repeated columns", "topics": [ "num_rep_cols", "num_rep_cols,ANY-method", "num_rep_cols,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "padstr", "title": "Pad a string and align within string", "topics": [ "padstr" ] }, { "page": "pag_indices_inner", "title": "Find pagination indices from pagination info data frame", "topics": [ "pag_indices_inner" ] }, { "page": "pagdfrow", "title": "Create a row of a pagination data frame", "topics": [ "pagdfrow" ] }, { "page": "page_lcpp", "title": "Determine lines per page (LPP) and characters per page (CPP) based on font and page type", "topics": [ "page_lcpp" ] }, { "page": "page_types", "title": "Supported named page types", "topics": [ "page_dim", "page_types" ] }, { "page": "paginate_indices", "title": "Paginate a table-like object for rendering", "topics": [ "diagnose_pagination", "paginate", "paginate_indices", "paginate_to_mpfs", "pagination" ] }, { "page": "pagination_algo", "title": "Pagination", "topics": [ "pagination_algo" ] }, { "page": "basemethods", "title": "Print", "topics": [ "print,ANY-method" ] }, { "page": "propose_column_widths", "title": "Propose column widths based on the 'MatrixPrintForm' of an object", "topics": [ "propose_column_widths" ] }, { "page": "ref_df_row", "title": "Create a row for a referential footnote information data frame", "topics": [ "ref_df_row" ] }, { "page": "round_fmt", "title": "Round and prepare a value for display", "topics": [ "rounding", "round_fmt" ] }, { "page": "spans_to_viscell", "title": "Transform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a visibility vector", "topics": [ "spans_to_viscell" ] }, { "page": "spread_integer", "title": "Spread an integer to a given length", "topics": [ "spread_integer" ] }, { "page": "sprintf_format", "title": "Specify text format via a 'sprintf' format string", "topics": [ "sprintf_format" ] }, { "page": "table_inset", "title": "Access or (recursively) set table inset", "topics": [ "table_inset", "table_inset,MatrixPrintForm-method", "table_inset<-", "table_inset<-,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "test_matrix_form", "title": "Create spoof matrix form from a data frame", "topics": [ "basic_listing_mf", "basic_matrix_form", "test_matrix_form" ] }, { "page": "tostring", "title": "Transform objects into string representations", "topics": [ "toString", "toString,MatrixPrintForm-method" ] }, { "page": "var_labels", "title": "Get label attributes of variables in a 'data.frame'", "topics": [ "var_labels" ] }, { "page": "var_labels_remove", "title": "Remove variable labels of a 'data.frame'", "topics": [ "var_labels_remove" ] }, { "page": "var_labels-set", "title": "Set label attributes of all variables in a 'data.frame'", "topics": [ "var_labels<-" ] }, { "page": "var_relabel", "title": "Copy and change variable labels of a 'data.frame'", "topics": [ "var_relabel" ] }, { "page": "vert_pag_indices", "title": "Find column indices for vertical pagination", "topics": [ "vert_pag_indices" ] }, { "page": "with_label", "title": "Return an object with a label attribute", "topics": [ "with_label" ] }, { "page": "wrap_string", "title": "Wrap a string to a precise width", "topics": [ "wrap_string", "wrap_txt" ] } ], "_pkglogo": "https://github.com/insightsengineering/formatters/raw/HEAD/man/figures/logo.png", "_readme": 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These parts conflict with each other:

  "_winbinary": "success",
      "r": "4.5.0",
      "os": "win",
      "version": "",
      "date": "2024-04-29T17:31:16.000Z",
      "commit": "b0c6942f45f747c29c1c9a05f275d1bad4daf6c2",
      "fileid": "c5e9d3c086fe0611be864b7b951645b6",
      "status": "failure",
      "buildurl": "https://github.com/r-universe/pharmaverse/actions/runs/8882670125"
jeroen commented 2 months ago

The _winbinary field refers to the status of the windows binary for r-release, which is 4.4 currently. R-devel is in lot of flux right now and many packages don't work due to dependency problems, but we don't want to enforce that.