r-wasm / webr

The statistical language R compiled to WebAssembly via Emscripten, for use in web browsers and Node.
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Rglpk package build fails #432

Open timelyportfolio opened 1 month ago

timelyportfolio commented 1 month ago

Thanks, thanks, thanks for all the work on webr. I continue to be amazed and in disbelief. I hesitate to file an issue like this here, but it seemed based on another post there was a desire expressed to be made aware of package build failures. If not, please ignore and close, and I will try to work through on my own.

Rglpk build results in the following error. I know that igraph builds successfully (I think with some special massaging) and also requires glpk leading me to believe this might be a fairly simple configuration issue. I think I have traced the error to the following line in configure.
