i am following the instruction in Readme to parse the data in lookAtPoint_EL using your pretrained models. i2mc extractor was successfully runned. But a error was raised, said “Changing the dtype to a subarray type is only supported if the total itemsize is unchanged”. I wonder if the version of my numpy(1.16.6) is improper。 Looking forward to your reply!
It is most likely wrong numpy version. Try replacing X = X.view((np.float32, len(X.dtype.names))) in run_irf.py on line 119 with X = np.array(X.tolist())
i am following the instruction in Readme to parse the data in
using your pretrained models. i2mc extractor was successfully runned. But a error was raised, said “Changing the dtype to a subarray type is only supported if the total itemsize is unchanged”. I wonder if the version of my numpy(1.16.6) is improper。 Looking forward to your reply!