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common format strings obfuscation technics #1

Open r00t-3xp10it opened 6 years ago

r00t-3xp10it commented 6 years ago


This issue its direct linked to 'common format strings obfuscation technics' article:

[$] GitHub Article: common format strings obfuscation technics :1st_place_medal:

If you have some new technics to describe that you wish to seen published under that article, (contributing to its growing) leave a comment that i will review it/test it and publish it under the article with a special note describing your name (nickname)..

Thanks ..and long live the open source comunity ..

3xploit666 commented 6 years ago

Hello pedro how are you i am 3xploit the youtobe

usama7628674 commented 5 years ago

@r00t-3xp10it This repo really helps me a lot.Very informative and well written.

joker8989 commented 5 years ago

@r00t-3xp10it do u bave any idea how can exeucte powershell payload without "powershell.exe" Instead of : powershell.exe -nop -w 1 - enc ... By this example(without powershell.exe) -nop -w 1 -enc ... Run a powershell script without the begining keyword powershell.exe

Did not want to open thread cause of this

r00t-3xp10it commented 5 years ago

yes i know how .. read this - defcon27 Lab 5

joker8989 commented 5 years ago

According to your tool this does not create powershell process so i dont need to bypass AMSI right? Or i need?

r00t-3xp10it commented 5 years ago

P.S its not my tool (defcon27) and yes.. thats the objective of lab 5 exercise presented in defcon27 conference

joker8989 commented 5 years ago

Ok i will try that just for any case do u know a command to run the -enc from powershell i mean without the powershell.exe keyword (the begining of the line)..