r00t-3xp10it / meterpeter

C2 Powershell Command & Control Framework with BuiltIn Commands
476 stars 105 forks source link

Please, add the Shell function .. #9

Open Ondrik8 opened 4 years ago

Ondrik8 commented 4 years ago

very good software! The author, could you add the Shell function ... So that you can see folders, files and run something, for example, what you uploaded to the client’s computer ...

r00t-3xp10it commented 4 years ago

:meterpeter> <-- its one interactive prompt [reverse PS tcp shell (Server/Client)].. It meens that you can execute cmd, python or powershell comands if you want to, directly from prompt ..

'Displaying Client working directory'

By default meterpeter uploads the payload (Client) to $env:tmp remote folder... pwd windows native command can help us figure it out the current location of client working directory .. 0

The Follow Screenshots show how :meterpreter> prompt it's in fact a shell to remote system Remark: meterpeter modules have been written only to facilitate attackers job 🐤 ... OR to speed scripting tasks that otherwise will take alot of time to execute (exec each command sequencionaly) 1 2 4 3

Final Notes:

Remmenbering that :meterpeter> prompt its a shell to remote host .. Also GetBrowsers.ps1 post-exploitation module its not finished yet (develop stage) .. please take a look at meterpeter wiki that describes many modules working ..

P.S. Thanks for your kind words, have fun responsably ..

Ondrik8 commented 4 years ago

oh)) Thanks))